Although it’s considered normal to lose around 50 to 100 hairs per day, you could have reason for concern if you’re spotting noticeably less hair that presents as thinning or bald spots, as Dr. Rachel Miest, MD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Medical Director of Aesthetic Dermatology at Mayo Clinic, says. Oftentimes, hair loss can be well on its way and you abruptly become aware of it. William Gaunitz, WTS, certified trichologist and founder of Advanced Trichology, says, “Hair loss and excessive shedding are one and the same. Most people when they notice excessive shedding are already in the process of losing hair. Most normal shedding is unnoticeable.” Although there are a number of causes that can bring about hair loss, stress is one definable trigger often seen among dermatologists. Called “telogen effluvium,” this temporary hair loss results in shedding and is marked by extreme stress. “Telogen effluvium is commonly triggered by stress, and COVID-19 has definitely contributed to a lot of stress these days,” says Apple Bodemer, MD, Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin Department of Dermatology. “I am seeing a significant increase in this type of hair loss.” Dr. Bodemer recommends checking in with your primary care provider if you suspect that you’re experiencing significant hair loss. Some warning signs include itching, burning, pain, and red bumps (which can indicate hair follicle scarring that may not regrow hair again) and bald patches. There can be a myriad of causes that can lead to hair loss. Our experts have shared diseases and conditions that can oftentimes ramp up hair loss—here are a few to look out for. 

Why is my hair falling out?

  1. Postpartum hair loss If you’ve recently had a baby and you’ve noticed a little more hair in the drain, it’s not all in your head. In fact, postpartum hair loss is a very real thing. “Many women experience hair loss due to the suppression of estrogen postpartum, the trauma of childbirth, and the reduction in overall nutrients due to breastfeeding and the creation of a new human,” Gaunitz points out.
  2. Hereditary hair loss Dr. Miest shares that hereditary hair loss can also be a possibility. Its scientific term is “androgenetic alopecia,” and it’s permanent baldness that’s typically seen on the temples and/or crown. It runs in families—think of your dad who was already balding in his thirties or your mom who bemoaned her thinning hair—and although it’s more common among men, it can happen to women, too.
  3. Female pattern hair loss This is an instance where age and hair loss can go hand in hand, and it’s related to dihydrotestosterone or DHT, a hormone that’s a byproduct of testosterone. Gaunitz explains, “After the age of 35, women who are genetically prone to DHT-related hair loss will begin to express thinning because of changes in hormone levels and a decline in estrogen.”
  4. Seborrheic dermatitis As a condition that’s both uncomfortable and causes hair loss, seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic type of eczema that can be challenging to deal with. Gaunitz defines it as “an inflammatory scalp condition that results in severe oily flaking and also leads to hair loss.”
  5. Iron deficiency Who knew that an iron supplement could keep your hair from thinning? If your blood has low iron levels, it’ll also have low levels of hemoglobin, a key component in hair growth. Dr. Bodemer says that your doctor can help identify an iron deficiency that may be contributing to your hair loss.
  6. Hair care practices Our experts agree that daily hair care practices could be causing you to lose hair. A tight hairstyle that you wear often, or as Dr. Miest highlights, damaging treatments, could lead to hair loss. Over-coloring, hair relaxants, chemical fragrances, or washing your hair too often could possibly result in losing hair.
  7. Hormone replacement Those pesky hormones, in addition to causing unpredictable mood shifts, they can also instigate hair loss. Gaunitz says that hormone replacement therapy is something that can lead to hair loss, adding, “Hormone replacement is extremely popular for anti-aging purposes and is leading to hair loss with women who use testosterone in addition to estrogen and progesterone.”
  8. Thyroid disease Thyroid disease is something else that can bring on hair loss, according to Dr. Bodemer. This condition disrupts the hormones T3 and T4, which are both instrumental in hair growth. Dr. Bodemer advises reaching out to your doctor, who can order a thyroid function test to see if this is causing your hair loss.
  9. Birth control Although it has many benefits, birth control can be the cause behind hair loss. “Birth control pills usually use a low-dose of estrogen or progesterone to turn off the ovaries and prevent ovulation,” Gaunitz says. “This results in suppression of natural estrogen that should be protecting women from DHT. This leads to early-onset androgenetic alopecia.”
  10. Alopecia areata As an inflammatory autoimmune condition in which your body attacks growing hair follicles due to immune malfunction, alopecia areata is actually an easily diagnosable disorder, according to Gaunitz. He says that it’s characterized by circular bald spots in irregular patterns seen throughout the scalp.
  11. Physical stress In addition to mental stress (which shows up as telogen effluvium, mentioned above), physical stress on the body can also bring about hair loss. Dr. Bodemer cites things like receiving a new medical diagnosis or having a baby as instigators that can cause hair loss.
  12. Nutritional hair loss If your mom always said, “You are what you eat,” as it turns out, she wasn’t too far off from the truth, at least when it comes to your hair. “Nutritional hair loss is the most widely spread reason for hair loss in the United States and is also completely unrecognized in modern medicine,” Gaunitz observes. “Specific levels of nutrients in your blood such as vitamin D3, iron, ferritin, folate, and zinc need to be at optimal levels for your hair to grow properly. If severe deficiencies are in place, it will directly result in diffuse hair loss and can be dramatic in many cases.”
  13. Trichotillomania (hair pulling) Dr. Miest points to the mental health condition of trichotillomania as a cause of hair loss. As a hair-pulling disorder, it’s characterized by strong, overpowering urges to pull out one’s hair. It’s known as a body-focused repetitive behavior, and it can be treated with the help of a cognitive-behavioral therapist. Next up, find out if air pollution could be to blame for your hair loss.


Dr. Rachel Miest, MD, an Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Medical Director of Aesthetic Dermatology at Mayo Clinic.William Gaunitz, WTS, a certified trichologist and founder of Advanced Trichology.Apple Bodemer, MD, an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin Department of Dermatology. Dermatologic Therapy: “Analysis of dermatologic conditions in Turkey and Italy by using Google Trends analysis in the era of the COVID‐19 pandemic” Why Is My Hair Falling Out  13 Reasons for Hair Loss in Women - 59