Check out more information about tonight’s episode of The Amazing Race 2022 below and find out if a team went home.
Who was eliminated on The Amazing Race in week 6?
No one! After a foot race to the pit stop, Arun and Natalia Kumar finished in last yet again. But they were saved yet again by a non-elimination leg.
Which teams finished at the top in week 6?
Married parents Kim and Penn Holderness continued their strong run in France with their second leg win in a row. Flight attendants Raquel Moore and Cayla Platt were close behind them the entire time,
Which teams finished at the bottom in week 6?
As mentioned before, Arun and Natalia finished in last. They and Lulu and Lala Gonzalez had been neck-in-neck for the second half of the leg, as their cooperative efforts in the Detour put them in last place. But Arun and Natalia’s self-driving concerns came back to bite them, allowing the twins to pass them and escape last place.
Who’s left this season on The Amazing Race?
Arun Kumar and Natalia Kumar - Father and daughter
Kim Holderness and Penn Holderness - Internet personalities
Marianela “Lulu” Gonzalez and Marissa “Lala” Gonzalez - Twins and radio hosts
Raquel Moore and Cayla Platt - Flight attendants
Ryan Ferguson and Dusty Harris - Best friends
Next, check out our interview with Akbar and Sheri Cook, who were eliminated in Leg 6.