“This is a complex vaccination program that will take several months,” explains Dr. Michelle Medina, MD, associate chief of clinical operations at Cleveland Clinic. “At this time, the supply of vaccine is very limited. State and federal guidance is determining the order in which people are vaccinated, and it can vary depending on where you live.”  Keeping up with your local news and regularly checking in with your local health department are the best ways to stay informed about how the vaccine is being administered in your area. And, you really should get vaccinated when your time comes, says Dr. Abisola Olulade, MD, a board-certified family medicine physician affiliated with Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group in San Diego.  “Getting a COVID vaccine is one of the best things you can do for your health and if you don’t have any contraindications, not doing so is one of the most dangerous and risky things you can do,” she explains. The truth is, everyone is at risk for COVID-19—more than 450,000 people in the U.S. have died from coronavirus, it’s been overwhelming to health care systems and had financial and economic impacts.  “Do the responsible thing for your loved ones, for your friends, for your community and for your country and for the world so that we can get past this as soon as possible,” suggests Dr. Olulade says.  Not sure how to get a COVID-19 vaccine and whether you’re eligible yet? Parade.com asked experts to offer some tips. Here’s what you need to know.

Find out what your state’s rollout plan looks like

The CDC has made recommendations for who should get vaccinated first. As of now, that order includes health care personnel, long-term care facility residents, frontline essential workers, and people over 75. Next will be people age 65 and older, anyone over 16 with an underlying health condition, and other essential workers.  But each state is making its own distribution plan, Dr. Olulade says. She suggests visiting your local health department’s website and contacting your doctor or pharmacy to make sure your phone number and email address are up to date if they send out vaccine communications. The CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccination page also links to information about how to get a vaccine in each state and who’s eligible.  Confused and overwhelmed by all of this? You’re not alone, but Dr. Georges Benjamin, MD, executive director of the American Public Health Association, says there are nuances in every state that needed to be considered for a successful vaccination plan.  For example, West Virginia has had one of the most successful COVID-19 vaccine programs in the country thanks to its efficient system for administering shots quickly. Other states, such as California and Massachusetts, have larger, better-funded health systems, but have been slower to get shots in people’s arms.  “Every state was asked to put together a plan,” he explains. “The federal government did look at those plans and provided comments. But at the end of the day, we do have a federal, state, local partnership in public health, and that’s playing out on vaccinations, as well.” 

Find out if and when you’re eligible to receive a vaccine

Checking your local health department’s website at least monthly is the best way to stay informed about which groups are eligible to be vaccinated, Dr. Medina says. No one knows yet when the general public can expect to receive their shots.  “This is an evolving situation, but it’s likely that the general public can have access to vaccination by the summer,” she explains. “Ultimately, the goal is to get as many people vaccinated as possible so that we can reach a level of herd immunity. This will require patience and perseverance from everyone over the next several months.”  The vaccine rollout has been slow to start, Dr. Olulade says, mostly because vaccine supply has been limited. Currently, only two vaccines are available, one from Pfizer-BioNTech and another from Moderna. Johnson & Johnson recently applied to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for emergency use authorization for its vaccine. “It may also change if more vaccines become authorized such as the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine,” she explains. “The latter is a one-dose vaccine and could really be a game-changer. They both will also not require complex storage which may help.”

Where can you get a vaccine?

Each state chooses its own vaccine providers according to CDC guidelines, Dr. Medina says. These providers include hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and other community locations, like churches and schools.  State health departments are also creating pop-up vaccination sites, such as at stadiums like Petco Park in San Diego, Olulade says. Your doctor’s office likely won’t offer COVID-19 vaccines, especially the Pfizer-BioNTech shot, which requires extra-cold storage that may not be widely available.  The federal government has also partnered with several national retail pharmacies, including Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, and others. Benjamin suggests checking with the location in your area to see if vaccines are available.  “Vaccine supply is quite tenuous right now, but assuming once we get a more robust supply of vaccine, those are the other places people can go to find out about vaccinations,” he says. 

Does getting one vaccine automatically register you for a second dose?

Both of the vaccines currently authorized by the FDA require two shots. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine requires two doses 21 days apart, and 28 days apart for the Moderna shot.  When you get the first dose, you’ll receive a card listing the date and other information, so you’ll know when it’s time to get the second shot. Some doctors’ offices or state health departments may send a text or email reminders for the second dose. But, Dr. Olulade says, “In most cases, you have to keep track of it yourself.”  Many vaccine providers are scheduling appointments for a patient’s second dose when they get the first one, though, Dr. Medina says. And you really need both shots to get the full benefit.  Recently, the idea of cutting vaccine doses in half was floated around, with more people receiving one dose and therefore at least partial defense against COVID-19. But the FDA issued a warning against altering the vaccine schedule.  For now, Dr. Benjamin emphasizes that people need to get vaccinated and should get the two shots either 21 or 28 days apart, depending on the vaccine. He suggests doing your best to stay up-to-date on who’s eligible and where you can get the shot in your area.  “Dr. Google is very effective at getting you information and getting you linked to where you can get the information about what category of people are getting vaccinated now,” he adds. “People should check that regularly.”  Next, learn more about the pharmacies and retailers that are offering the COVID-19 vaccine.   Sources

Dr. Georges Benjamin, MD, executive director, American Public Health AssociationDr. Michelle Medina, MD, associate chief of clinical operations, Cleveland ClinicDr. Abisola Olulade, MD, board-certified family medicine physician, Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical GroupCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Requirements and SupportCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): COVID-19 VaccinationCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout RecommendationsCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): COVID Data Tracker Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Pharmacies Participating in the Federal Retail Pharmacy ProgramCNBC: NFL offers Biden all 30 football stadiums as mass Covid vaccination sitesFood and Drug Administration (FDA): FDA Statement on Following the Authorized Dosing Schedules for COVID-19 VaccinesNBC News: J&J applies for emergency authorization; FDA expected to greenlight in coming weeksWashington Post: The Health 202: How West Virginia beat other states in administering coronavirus vaccines Who Gets the COVID Vaccine First  Here s the Rollout Plan - 51