In this week’s episode, “Before My Very Eyes,” Ned’s ailment remains a mystery as Carson (Paul Greene) and Faith (Andrea Brooks) figure out what to do next while a worried Florence (Loretta Walsh) remains at Ned’s bedside during his hospitalization. With Bill’s (Jack Wagner) help, Nathan (Kevin McGarry) continues the process to finalize Allie’s (Jaeda Lilly Miller) adoption. Lee (Kavan Smith) looks for his missing pocket watch while Rosemary (Pascale Hutton) works the switchboard in Florence’s absence. Over at Gowen Petroleum, Henry adjusts to being a parent while Lucas (Chris McNally) has his reservations about Christopher. Meanwhile, Clara (Eva Bourne) and Jesse (Aren Buchholz) continue living apart after Clara discovered Jesse spent their entire life savings. When Calls the Heart airs Sunday at 9 p.m. ET on Hallmark Channel. Next, Kavan Smith talks cooking, writing, comfort food and When Calls the Heart

When Calls the Heart Spoilers  First Look Season 8 Episode 7 - 1When Calls the Heart Spoilers  First Look Season 8 Episode 7 - 6