Symptom: Diarrhea
What might be wrong: Repeat visits to the bathroom may occur if you ate expired food or unwashed produce—or it could be a sign of a viral or bacterial infection, Lee says. “When we see patients with diarrhea, we want to know when it started and how long it has been ongoing,” she says. “If it clears in one or two days and you don’t have other symptoms, like fever, runny nose, sore throat or cough, it’s most likely something you ate. If it lasts longer than that, we need to find out why.” What to do: If possible, let it happen, Lee says. “We’re not fans of OTC remedies that stop diarrhea from occurring. We want you to get rid of it and let that waste come out of your body.” If, however, the diarrhea is overwhelming or you’re away from home, you can take a one-time dose of a remedy like Imodium (this works to slow down digestion) to help get you through the day, she says.
Symptom: Constipation
What might be wrong: Having trouble pooping may stem from a low-fiber diet, lack of exercise and not drinking enough water or from travel or taking certain medications, including antidepressants. “The first thing I ask patients is if there’s a trigger and whether it comes and goes or if it’s happening all the time,” Lee says. “That’s because there are so many causes of constipation.” What to do: Eat more fiber and hydrate throughout the day. Reach for water-containing fruits and veggies such as apples, watermelon, berries, carrots and celery. Use over-the-counter fiber supplements such as Metamucil and Benefiber as recommended, she says.
Symptom: Gas
What might be wrong: Gas can stem from swallowing air while eating, drinking carbonated beverages or chewing gum, Lee says. A buildup of gas can lead to fullness, pressure, cramps and belly pain. What to do: Eat more slowly, ditch the straw and avoiding such gas-generating foods as beans. If that still doesn’t help, antacids with simethicone or Gas-X are safe, Lee says; they work by breaking up a giant gas bubble into little bubbles. “It’s easier to get rid of smaller bubbles than larger ones, but this doesn’t explain why this is happening,” she says. “If you are dealing with gas regularly, you want to see a health care provider to get to the root of why this is happening.”
Symptom: Indigestion, Reflux
What might be wrong: If you’re suffering from heartburn, nausea, chronic cough or a hoarse voice, it could be gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This can be temporary or occur only when you’re stressed, perhaps from a job change, a move or a divorce. “No matter the cause, if you have GERD, your stomach acid is in a place it’s not supposed to be—it’s going up to your esophagus,” Lee says. “Often, your stress level is what pushes your stomach pumps into overdrive and throws acid up.” What to do: See your health care provider to determine if you need tests to rule out other issues or need an OTC acid-reducer. These include H2 blockers like Pepcid AC and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as Prilosec. “No doctor wants you to be on any medicines if you don’t have to be on them, but if you truly have acid reflux disease—in other words you have too much acid production—these will help you feel a lot better.”
Can prebiotics and probiotics help?
Your tummy can use a little TLC even when it’s not in trouble. Most experts consider prebiotics and probiotics a safe and effective way to balance the bacteria in your gut. They’re available as nutritional supplements, in some enriched products or in these foods, Lee says: Prebiotics: Bananas, onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, artichokes and soybeans may help your body absorb calcium and prompt the growth of good bacteria in your gut. Probiotics: Aged cheese, live cultures (such as in yogurt) and fermented foods such as sauerkraut—contain “good” bacteria to help support a healthy gut.