What makes fireworks colorful?

The color in fireworks come from metal salts, which are made up of metal and non-metal atoms that create pure, intense colors when burned (they burn via a range of other chemical compounds and elements added to the aerial shells before explosion). Some of the most common metal salts used to create brilliantly colored fireworks include copper salts for blue fireworks, calcium salts for orange fireworks and strontium salts for red fireworks.

Is it harder to make fireworks in certain colors?

“It’s harder to make blue fireworks. It’s all about balancing heat and the chemical compositions,” says Jim Souza, whose Pyro Spectaculars runs the Macy’s July 4 show, the nation’s largest. Nevertheless, blue is among 28 colors launched from the Brooklyn Bridge. Perfectly orchestrated to synchronize to the musical score, the 25-minute display will feature a host of new shells and effects in 28 colors including crackling rain shells, patriotic chasing crossettes, howling wolves, screaming dragons, silver twisters, diamond screamers and a dramatic 1,600-foot waterfall. Each year on the 4th of July, Souza’s company stages about 400 shows.

How do they make fireworks into different shapes?

Ever wonder how they make fireworks into shapes? Basic fireworks are spheres, Souza says. Cut one in half and you’ll find chemical “marbles” carefully arranged as, say, a smiley face or a star. When the fuse hits the explosive powder at the center of the marbles, boom! They shoot into the sky but maintain their original formation. Check it out:

How much does it cost to set off one firework?

“It should be anywhere from fifty dollars to five hundred dollars,” Souza says. “It depends on the size, the complication of the design.” The projected cost for the Macy’s July 4 show, he added, is in the “seven figures.”  No surprise, considering the effort required to pull off the country’s most iconic firework display. “Right after the shell [goes off] in the grand finale, we start planning for the following year,” Souza says. “We’re immediately looking at the effects that worked, things we wanted to improve, or new ideas come from that. We’re off traveling the world trying to find new effects.” Up next, discover the 75 Best Inspirational 4th of July Quotes.

What Makes Fireworks Colourful  And are Blue Fireworks Hard to Make  - 60What Makes Fireworks Colourful  And are Blue Fireworks Hard to Make  - 86What Makes Fireworks Colourful  And are Blue Fireworks Hard to Make  - 82What Makes Fireworks Colourful  And are Blue Fireworks Hard to Make  - 88