Lately, brewed chicory root is becoming popular as a coffee replacement. This is because chicory and coffee taste similar to each other, but unlike coffee, chicory doesn’t contain any caffeine. Besides being used as a coffee replacement, chicory root is also popping up in more places including protein bars and probiotic powders. So what is chicory root, and is it worth the hype? Here’s what you need to know before hopping on the bandwagon.

“Chicory is part of the dandelion family and has been cultivated throughout the world since the 17th century,” says registered dietitian Cara Harbstreet, RD, founder of Street Smart Nutrition. While the root of the plant is what’s being used more abundantly currently, Harbstreet says that the entire chicory plant is edible. She says that the leaves can be used as salad greens while the root of the plant can be cooked up similar to other vegetables. Or, as it is often seen now, it can be ground into a powder. Registered dietitian Amanda Baker Leimen, RD, says that one reason why chicory root has become more popular is because it’s high in fiber, an important nutrient that the vast majority of people in the U.S. do not get enough of. “It is high in soluble fiber and often used in many packaged foods to help increase fiber content,” she says. She explains that, more specifically, chicory root contains soluble fiber, a type of fiber that dissolves in water to create a gel. Both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber are important for digestive health. Soluble fiber feeds the good bacteria in the gut and also helps to slow down digestion. Insoluble fiber absorbs fluid and creates bulkier stool. Since most people don’t consume enough fiber—soluble fiber included—it’s a major reason why chicory root has become more popular. The source of the soluble fiber in chicory root is inulin, which Leimein says has prebiotic qualities. “This means the prebiotics found in inulin fibers help ‘feed’ probiotics or ‘good’ bacteria that live in our GI tract,” she says. This is why chicory root is sometimes included in probiotic powders and gut health supplements.

Other Ways Chicory Root Benefits the Body

There are other ways chicory root can benefit the body too. Harbstreet says that soluble fiber—like in chicory root—can support heart health by potentially lowering total and LDL cholesterol. In other words, chicory root isn’t just good for your gut: it’s good for your heart too. Like other plants, chicory root contains antioxidants, which are compounds that help protect the body from inflammation. Antioxidants benefit the entire body and many studies have been done showing how they benefit the heart and brain specifically. “Chicory root also is a source of calcium and potassium,” Leimen says, naming two other key nutrients the body needs. Even with all of these benefits, Harbstreet says that chicory root isn’t for everyone. If you are on the low-FODMAP diet, she says it’s important to know that chicory root is a high-FODMAP food, so it may actually hurt your gut instead of helping it. “However, beyond that, it’s highly unlikely that you’d consume an amount that poses any health risk,” she says.

Ways to Incorporate Chicory Root Into Your Diet

If you want to give chicory root a try, there are several ways to incorporate it into your diet. If you want to try it as an alternative to tea, you can find chicory coffee easily online and it is brewed similarly to traditional coffee. “You can also use chicory root to thicken soups, yogurts and smoothies—a good way to add extra fiber,” Leimen says. For this, use chicory root powders, which can be found online or in many health stores. As chicory root is becoming more popular, Harbstreet mentions that you’ll see it listed on the ingredients list more often in nutrition bars and other foods, another way to up your intake and get some extra fiber. There are also chicory root supplements available, both in capsule and powder form. One word of caution from Leimen: If you aren’t used to eating a lot of fiber-rich foods, chicory root is something you’ll want to ease into. “Too much fiber can cause significant GI distress for many people,” she says. To avoid constipation and bloating, start by adding a very small amount of chicory root to your diet and slowly working up to the product’s recommended serving size. Leimen adds that drinking plenty of water is also important when eating fiber-rich foods to avoid digestive distress. Considering that most people could certainly use more fiber in their diets, the rising popularity of this buzzy food is definitely a positive. This is one trend we can be glad is taking, well, root. Next up, find out how you can show your gut some love by incorporating these 20 prebiotic foods into your diet. 


Cara Harbstreet, RD, registered dietitian and founder of Street Smart Nutrition Amanda Baker Leimen, RD, registered dietitian and VP of Nutrition and Wellness at Golin