If this scenario is relatable to you, that’s a good sign it’s time to brush up on your breast cancer prevention facts. Luckily, Jessica Horwitz, MPH FNP-C, the chief clinical officer at Tia Health—a modern medical practice that provides gynecology and primary care services—is here to get all your breast lump questions answered. By knowing the facts, and what to look for, you can avoid unnecessary panic and feel empowered when it comes to your long-term breast health.

The Basics of Breast Cancer

October may be Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but breast cancer is something we should be aware of all year round. Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer among women in the United States, affecting around 2.3 million women across the globe every year. As is the case with many cancers, prevention is everything. When it comes to breast cancer, prevention means getting regular physical checkups and keeping up with all the recommended screenings, such as mammograms, but it also means regular breast self-exams. Interestingly, in recent years, some medical organizations have expressed doubt about whether doing your own exams is as important as we’ve been led to believe—citing research that shows they may cause unnecessary worry and anxiety and unnecessary medical visits and procedures. As Horwitz explains it: “The guidelines about breast self-exams are changing all the time.” So should we be doing these exams, or not? According to Horwitz, it’s less about a formal “exam” and more about knowing your own breasts and what they typically feel like. “The only way you’ll know if something is new and different is if you’re touching them,” she adds. Ideally, she recommends doing this once a month, ideally at the same time in your cycle. “I recommend a couple of weeks after your period ends,” she explains, reiterating that your breasts can change texture right before, during, and after your period and that can lead to unnecessary panic if you feel something different.

What Does a Breast Lump Feel Like?

When it comes to technique, Horowitz recommends doing this however you feel most comfortable touching your body. “A great place to start is in the shower because there’s less friction,” she says, recommending feeling one breast at a time—with enough pressure where you are seeing the release of tissue when you left your fingers up but not hard enough that it’s painful—with your free arm up but adds that “there’s really no wrong way.” Horwitz also recommends heading to your gynecologist once a year for a professional evaluation. According to Horwitz, “the first thing to remember is that only 6% of lumps found are actually cancerous.” So, if you feel some texture or even a lump, you don’t need to panic. That said, she recommends looking out for anything hard, irregularly shaped or something you can feel in one breast but not the other. “Most importantly, keep an eye out for anything that feels different than the tissue around it,” she continues. If you do feel something abnormal, get it checked out sooner rather than later. “The earlier breast cancer is caught, the better the outcome. The five-year survival rate if it’s detected in stage one or two is well over 90 percent,” says Horwitz. “The biggest thing I tell people is to never feel stupid for going in to get something checked out, even if you think it’s normal or you’re overreacting,” she says.

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

When it comes to breast cancer, there are a handful of other things you can do to assess your risk. “Family history is a big one; it’s important to know if your mom, grandma or any aunts had breast cancer under the age of 65, which would indicate a genetic risk factor,“ says Hortiwz. No matter what your risk is, there are a number of lifestyle changes that can help decrease your risk of developing the disease. “Smoking is often associated with lung cancer, but it’s actually one of the biggest risks for breast cancer,” says Horwitz. In addition, she recommends moving your body regularly, as a sedentary lifestyle is another known breast cancer risk factor. “The simplest advice I can give is to move your body regularly and eat a ton of leafy greens,” she says. And finally, remember that there’s been an immense amount of progress done on breast cancer treatment in recent years, much credited to all the advocacy. “There are so many treatments now, and there’s a lot of patient choice involved now,” says Hortiwz. “There are exciting developments related to genetic testing based on the DNA of the type of breast cancer you have, which can create a more thoughtful, targeted response to treatment,” she continues. Next up: ‘Mean Girls’ Star Jonathan Bennett Documents Getting a Mammogram for Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Jessica Horwitz, MPH FNP-C, the chief clinical officer at Tia HealthWorld Health Organization, ‘Breast cancer’ Factsheets https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/breast-cancerUniversity of Michigan Health: Should You Do Self Breast Exams? Shelley Zalewski October 05, 2020 https://healthblog.uofmhealth.org/cancer-care/should-you-do-self-breast-exams