The new Omicron variant is causing widespread concern as global cases continue to increase. In fact, the risks associated with this variant are considered “very high,” according to the World Health Organization. While there are still many unanswered questions, countries around the world are taking precautionary measures by closing borders and implementing travel restrictions. “The Omicron variant is distinctive because of the relatively large number of changes in the genome of the virus," Dr. Jim Versalovic, MD, pathologist-in-chief and co-chair of COVID-19 command at Texas Children’s Hospital, explains. “This virus is evolving during the pandemic. More than 30 changes have been characterized in the S gene encoding the spike protein, and some of these changes have been linked with immune escape or the ability to evade an effective immune response.” However, we can’t draw any conclusions just yet, since we are still waiting on lab data to learn about transmissibility and immune evasion. But for now, what symptoms should we look out for, and how do they differ from other COVID symptoms?

Omicron variant symptoms

While doctors caution that there’s still a lot we don’t know about Omicron and its symptoms, Dr. Versalovic says there’s some good news: So far, many of the Omicron infections we’ve seen are not severe. “We are still gathering information about patterns of symptoms with this variant so it is too early to tell, but many infections appear to be mild,” Dr. Versalovic explains. “Individuals may have different combinations of symptoms, and the symptoms may present in different sequences in different individuals.” According to the CDC, people who catch one of the variants of COVID can experience any number of traditional COVID symptoms—but some may experience none at all, according to Dr. Robert G. Lahita MD, PhD, Director of the Institute for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Disease at Saint Joseph Health and author of the upcoming book Immunity Strong. Symptoms to look out for with Omicron include:

Shortness of breathNausea or vomitingDiarrheaBody achesFever or chillsLoss of taste and smellFatigueSore throatCongestion 

What order do Omicron variant symptoms appear in?

While it may become clear what the first “sign” of Omicron is in the coming weeks, for now nothing specific has emerged. “There’s no rhyme or reason to the order of the symptoms from what we are seeing,” says Dr. Lahita.

How severe are Omicron symptoms?

What’s worrisome about Omicron is that it’s highly mutated. But in terms of severity of symptoms, so far it’s less worrisome than Delta. “Omicron symptoms are very mild, but very transmissible,” Dr. Lahita states. “However, we don’t know enough yet to determine the extent of the disease. At this point, it’s less concerning than Delta is or was, but we don’t have data from the United States yet.”

How to stay safe 

Dr. Lahita says to wear masks, wash your hands and sanitize, and get the vaccine and subsequent boosters.  “I say this all day, every day. Get vaccinated! It’s safe and effective. This is the way to stay safe in the face of all of the variants because so far the vaccine is covering nearly all of the spike protein mutations we’re seeing. Most likely, it will cover Omicron mutations as well,” Dr. Lahita explains. “Missing your booster would be a mistake because the initial immunity from your first round of the vaccine may be waning at this time. And remember, breakthrough infections after being vaccinated are uncommon and rarely result in hospitalization.” Next, read about how to time your COVID booster and flu shot.


Robert G. Lahita MD, PhD, Director of the Institute for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Disease at Saint Joseph Health and author of the upcoming book Immunity StrongDr. Jim Versalovic, pathologist-in-chief and co-chair of COVID-19 command at Texas Children’s Hospital What Are the Symptoms of the Omicron Variant  - 56