“There’s a window behind here and I’d love to not have to replace that window," Joanna told her husband in Parade.com’s exclusive clip. “I"m taking it out of your paycheck if you break this window.” “I won’t break it,” he reassured her. “There’s an 88 percent chance I will, but there’s a 12 percent chance I won’t.” Seemingly unconvinced, Joanna took her husband’s hammer away so they could talk. However, what Joanna didn’t realize is that Chip had another tool laying around, which he proceeded to use after barricading the door to keep her out. Once back in the room, the Magnolia Table author was pleased to learn that the window was protected by plywood behind the drywall. “You get your hammer back,” she said. “Have fun. Be careful”…famous last words! Happily reunited with his tool, Chip noted, “Your hammer and Demo Day are like synonymous. You can’t have one without the other. It’s like Thor without his [mallet].” After hammering away and successfully ripping out the plywood, Chip had an “oh no” moment when he realized that he broke the very window that Joanna had warned him about. Quick thinking, Chip concealed the crack before Joanna returned. “I did it. I took it out a hundred percent. Zero breaks,” he declared. In an attempt to persuade his wife to get new windows, Chip said, “These are definitely aluminum windows. So I think we need some new ones. These are the worst. The least efficient windows ever. I think the girls deserve it.” Thankfully for Chip, Joanna agreed. “Yes! She bought it,” Chip told the camera. Unlike previous episodes, the design duo did not have a “traditional client” for this special project. The Magnolia cofounders renovated an emergency shelter for young girls in Waco, whose mission is to give each girl a chance to succeed. Chip and Joanna’s goal was to protect the girls’ privacy and focus on the renovation and design of the home, so that it would feel like a safe place when the girls moved back. Episode 4 of Fixer Upper: Welcome Home drops on discovery+ Feb. 19 as part of the Magnolia Network Preview. It was recently announced that Chip and Joanna will launch their full slate of Magnolia originals on the streaming service and the new Magnolia app on July 15, while their cable channel will launch in January 2022. Next, everything we know about Chip and Joanna Gaines’ Magnolia Network and app launch!