The YouTube star recently appeared on the True Geordie Podcast with Brian Davis where he revealed that many celebrities and politicians called for him to get canceled after the controversy at the Aokigahara forest — dubbed the “suicide forest” —in Japan.  Back in 2017, Paul posted a YouTube video showing a man that took his own life on camera. Even though he removed the video soon after posting, the damage had already been done with many calling him out for posting it in the first place. One of the celebrities that shared his disapproval with the controversial Youtuber was his “idol” and friend, The Rock. According to Paul, it “was one of the saddest moments of my life, what I’m about to say.” He continued that “after Japan happened, I obviously found myself in a hole – rightfully so – that I had never been in before. Extremely low, mentally, and I got a call from my publicist, who also repped Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.” Paul mentioned that he wishes The Rock had reached out to him personally, rather than communicating via publicist. “I feel like we had a healthy relationship, an open line of communication. I was so sad that my hero wanted nothing to do with me,” he said, adding, “I was sad because I understood it. I really f***ed up.” The relationship between the two doesn’t seem to be rekindled as Paul mentioned that The Rock recently hit him up through an Instagram DM pretending as though “nothing happened.” The YouTuber has yet to respond to the message, he revealed.  If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.Next, check out these mental health quotes that will help lift your spirits.