Most of us make our New Year’s resolutions pretty lightly. We think of the new year as a time to get more organized or lose weight. We vow to be nicer humans or start a new hobby. But do we really take the time to make firm goals with a plan on how to achieve them? Not having an actual plan is why most of us never accomplish our resolutions. If you really want to make a change, there are some extra things that you will need to do. We’ll show you how to make resolutions that also include the solutions to succeed.

What’s the Difference Between a Resolution and a Solution?

A resolution is a decision to do something and a solution is a way the problem is solved. So, if you make a resolution to lose weight, a solution would be a very specific way to do that like going on a Mediterranean diet.  A resolution is “the act of determining,” while a solution is “an action or process of solving a problem,” according to Merriam-Webster. So, while a New Year’s resolution might be an intentional, well-thought-out goal, it is only a plan in and of itself. However, a solution would be the process that follows. Resolutions are like dreams and big-picture thoughts. Solutions are the nitty-gritty actions and habits made each day to allow a resolution to come to fruition. 

6 Steps to Find the Solutions for Your New Year’s Resolutions

Since most people never make it through the first week in keeping their resolutions, we’ve laid out a plan to help you succeed if you are serious about making a change. Whether you want to add some healthy lifestyle habits or quit some unhealthy ones, these ideas will help you to lay out a serious plan.

Set a Goal or Resolution That Is Realistic

When making a resolution, you will want to make sure that it is actually doable for you. You could say that you want to learn deep sea fishing this year, but if you don’t live close to an ocean and aren’t sure if you’ll be able to vacation near one, it isn’t likely that your goal will be accomplished. Stick with things that you have the ability to accomplish.  Another thing to think about is how much you want to make a change. If you are making a resolution to do something based on what someone else is telling you or what you think you probably should do, you most likely will not follow through. You have to believe in the change and have it be meaningful to you. When you are making resolutions, think about those things that you truly want to do to improve your health, mind and soul.

Get Specific With a Solution

A popular New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. Instead of simply vowing to lose weight, come up with a workable solution for doing it. That may mean researching diet and fitness programs that best work for you. With all of the different diets and fitness programs, there should be something that you are most likely to stick to. Write those things down so that your resolution is more concrete.

Start and Commit to Your Plan

The hardest part of any kind of change is starting. With this in mind, make a firm date to start your plan. It helps to write it out in your calendar like an appointment. Knowing that true change takes time, give yourself a realistic timeline for reaching your goal. The key is to not give up and to stay committed to your resolution.

Keep Track of Your Progress

Most of us like to see results right away and tend to get discouraged if we keep our focus on just the end goal. The little signs of progress along the way are just as worthy of celebration as the end goal. Always remember that change takes time at that new habits also get created with time. 

Have Perseverance

We all have bad days and don’t always know what life will throw at us. In these times, it’s good to let yourself off the hook for a little while. The key is to not quit entirely. It’s okay to slow down at times but have the mindset that you will be right back at it when the timing is better. Expect to have some setbacks so that you don’t get too discouraged when they happen.

Keep Yourself Accountable

Another way to ensure you will be successful with your resolution is to tell someone about it. A person that cares about your well-being and who you communicate with frequently is the best choice. Ask for support when needed but just verbalizing your plan to someone is a good way to hold yourself accountable. Next Up: 10 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions (With Apps to Help Achieve Them)