If a friend told you their dentist first diagnosed their anxiety or depression, would you believe them? There’s a good chance you’d at least be skeptical of this idea. How much could a dentist know about the inner workings of the brain? Surprisingly, though, oral health and mental health are intricately linked. Keep reading to find out what your mouth can reveal about your mind. 

As Dr. Susan Albers-Bowling, a psychologist at Cleveland Clinic Wooster Family Health Center explains it, “your mental health affects your entire body, including your oral health.” This is a two-way connection, too. The health of your teeth and gums can tell you about your mental health, and your mental health can affect the way you take care of your teeth and gums.  If this is the first time you’re hearing this, you’re not the only one. “It’s often a surprise to people that your mouth can give some big clues as to how you are doing emotionally,” says Dr. Albers. But the connection between oral and mental health isn’t just anecdotal. In fact, there’s a strong correlation that has been well-documented. For example, a study published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry showed that due to untreated conditions, people with severe mental illness have 2.7 times the likelihood of losing all their teeth, compared with the general population. 

Mental Health and Oral Health Connections 

You don’t have to struggle with a severe mental health issue to see this connection in action, either. Dr. Albers helps break down a few mental health conditions, and how they might affect your mental health. 

Anxiety disorders: You may have jaw pain or tooth damage due to grinding, or worn enamel which can be caused by chronic stress. Eating disorders: You may have tooth erosion or gum health issues linked to malnutrition. For example, according to the National Eating Disorder Association, 89% of people with bulimia have signs that are present in the mouth. Bipolar and obsessive-compulsive disorder: Bipolar and obsessive-compulsive disorder can cause patients to be compulsive with oral health, brushing, flossing and mouth washing.  Depression: Depression can affect your motivation and personal hygiene, making it difficult to keep up with brushing and flossing and maintain regular trips to the dentist. Depressive disorders can make you more sensitive to pain, which can make you less likely to want to face a trip to the dentist and lead to you neglecting your oral health.

Finally, a side effect of many medications for mental health issues is dry mouth. “This can lead to tooth decay,” Dr. Albers explains. 

Dentists as Mental Health Monitors

You might not think dentists are the most logical first line of defense against untreated mental health issues, but according to Dr. Albers, “Dentists are sometimes one of the first professionals to identify or even diagnose a mental health disorder." Not only that, but dentists often have relationships with mental health professionals and guide patients towards the right kind of support. “Dentists often make referrals to mental health professionals after exams," says Albers.   In a typical checkup, dentists are often able to see evidence of excessive smoking, drinking, or sugar consumption. “When people are experiencing distress, they often ignore their dental hygiene or they engage in self-soothing behaviors like these that may harm their teeth,” says Dr. Albers. So while dentists aren’t mental health professionals or licensed to treat or diagnose a mental health disorder, they can be helpful in noticing that something is awry and making that first referral. “From experience, they notice specific patterns and red flags of people struggling with their mental health,” explains Dr. Albers. 

Taking Care of Your Mind and Mouth

Now that you’re aware of this connection, you can leverage it for better healthcare. “If you are taking medications for your mental health, it may be important to bring that to the attention of your dentist,” says Dr. Albers. They may have strategies to help lower the risk that these medications will negatively impact your teeth. In addition, those with anxiety can discuss a mouth guard. Exercise, stress relief and a healthy diet can benefit your oral health and your mental health. Limiting alcohol, coffee and sugar consumption can go a long way toward better mental and oral health. “What you eat has a big impact on your oral health and mood, so choosing healthier foods can be beneficial for both your mood and the health of your teeth,” says Dr. Albers.    This connection is a good reminder that our body and mind are intricately connected. Dental visits are recommended twice a year, and they’re a great excuse to do a quick mental health check. “If you are having trouble taking care of your basic oral hygiene, consider there are any emotional factors that could be contributing,” says Dr. Albers. If you think you may be struggling with your mental health, it’s a good idea to bring that to the attention of a mental health professional—and your dentist should know, too.  Next up: How to Get White Teeth


Kisely S. No Mental Health without Oral Health. Can J Psychiatry. 2016;61(5):277-282. doi:10.1177/0706743716632523Susan Albers-Bowling, PsyD, at the Cleveland Clinic Wooster Family Health Center  The Connection Between Oral Health and Mental Health - 74