“Since a very young age, I’ve been rejected constantly. When people starting out ask me for advice, I always say to stay open-minded, because you never know,” she said. “I’ve never felt that I had both feet out, you know? I never imagined having another career, but there were definitely times when I felt like I should try something else in the industry.” It’s a good thing she didn’t: Thanks in large part to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Johansson brings in major bank, raking in $14 billion in box office bucks throughout her career—and that’s before the release of her first MCU star vehicle, Black Widow, which finally arrived on July 9. According to Box Office Mojo, that movie has grossed $318 million in worldwide theatrical ticket sales so far; it was also simultaneously available for a $30 rental at the same time via Disney+, where it reportedly earned another $60 million—but that decision on behalf of Disney to debut it both in theaters and on demand also prompted ScarJo to sue the entertainment giant. More on that below! So, how much is ScarJo worth—and how much more could she have due to her Disney lawsuit? Here’s what we know so far.
What is Scarlett Johansson’s net worth?
Scarlett Johansson’s net worth is estimated at $165 million, raking in $56 million in 2019 alone. It wasn’t easy: She told Marie Clairein 2017 that, although her movies have made her one of the highest-grossing stars in history, she hasn’t always been among the highest-paid—especially when compared to her male costars. “Just because I’m the top-grossing actress of all time does not mean I’m the highest-paid. I’ve had to fight for everything that I have. It’s such a fickle and political industry,” she admitted. “Some people felt I should talk about my personal struggle in order to shed a spotlight on the greater issue. Maybe I’m being presumptuous, but I assumed it was obvious that women in all positions struggle for equality. It’s always an uphill battle and fight. My experience with my close female friends and family is that the struggle is real for everybody. Everyone has been discriminated against or harassed—sexism is real.” Her revenue-generating feat is even more impressive when you examine her résumé. For one thing, it’s full of critically acclaimed indies alongside all of that superhero fare, which shows she isn’t afraid to take risks; for another, ScarJo forgoes any social media presence, which means she’s not publicly flaunting her wealth, nor is she engaged in any influencer or “#sponcon” deals like many of her peers. This works on a number of levels: Not only does it ensure Johansson’s treasured privacy, but it also maintains her brand as being aspirational, top-shelf and high-end.
Why did Scarlett Johansson sue Marvel?
In a June 2021 interview with ComicBook.com, ScarJo said Black Widow would mark her final turn in a Marvel movie. At the time, she waxed nostalgic about why she was moving on. “It feels great to leave a party when it’s still raging and I think that this film [Black Widow] feels very much like it’s alive and fresh and powerful and I feel really pleased with it,” she explained. “It’s bittersweet to say goodbye, but if you love something, you need to set it free!” However, it now seems that her exit may have been spurred on by finances. On July 29, 2021, Johansson filed a lawsuit against Disney, alleging that the company was in breach of contract when it released Black Widow simultaneously in theaters and on Disney+. She claims her contract explicitly stated that Black Widow would be guaranteed a theatrical-only release to start, and that her overall earnings from the project were based in large part on box-office performance. She further stated in legal documents that, given Disney’s decision for a dual debut, she tried to renegotiate her contract ahead of BlackWidow’s release, but the studio refused—and that overall, the whole scenario as it played out personally cost her an estimated $50 million. A ScarJo attorney told CNBC that Disney’s decision was intended only to benefit the company and not ScarJo’s bottom line: “It’s no secret that Disney is releasing films like BlackWidow directly onto Disney+ to increase subscribers and thereby boost the company’s stock price–and that it’s hiding behind COVID-19 as a pretext to do so. But ignoring the contracts of the artists responsible for the success of its films in furtherance of this short-sighted strategy violates their rights and we look forward to proving as much in court." For its part, Disney fired back in a statement, “There is no merit whatsoever to this filing. The lawsuit is especially sad and distressing in its callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.” On Sept. 30, it was reported that the two sides had settled out of course, with Deadline claiming that (according to an unnamed source) Johansson made out pretty well, receiving $40 million in the settlement. It also seems that both sides made nice to the other, at least enough that the actress is still on track to star in the upcoming Disney movie, Tower of Terror.
How much did Scarlett Johansson make for Black Widow?
In its July 2021 statement slamming ScarJo, Disney also stated that Johansson has received $20 million to date for Black Widow.
How much money did Scarlett Johansson make with Marvel?
It was rumored that Johansson made double the salary of her male co-stars Chris Evansand Chris Hemsworth for the first two Avengers films, but that was false. According to Variety, she made about the same amount, which The Hollywood Reporter estimated to be in the “low seven figures.” However, her merchandising may leave her somewhat behind her co-stars in terms of licensing cash, as Mark Ruffalopointed out in 2015. Closing the cast’s gender gap was reportedly a priority for Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn, who told Variety in 2015, “Audiences have proven that there’s an appetite and a market for dynamic female leads and female-driven stories, and as an industry, we have a responsibility to create those roles for women and compensate them accordingly.” Johansson herself hinted that she made at least as much as some of her male colleagues, telling Cosmopolitanin 2016 that while the gender wage gap needs to be addressed for women as a whole, “I am very fortunate, I make a really good living, and I’m proud to be an actress who’s making as much as many of my male peers at this stage.” By the numbers, here are the MCU’s box office grosses for films featuring Johansson:
Iron Man 2: $200 million budget, $624 million grossAvengers: $220 million budget, $1.52 billion grossCaptain America: The Winter Soldier: $170 million budget, $714 million grossAvengers: Age of Ultron: $250 million budget, $1.4 billion grossCaptain America: Civil War: $250 million budget, $1.15 billion grossAvengers: Infinity War: $321 million budget, $2.05 billion grossAvengers: Endgame: $356 million budget, $2.8 billion gross
Meanwhile, the budget for Black Widow is reportedly in the $200 million range, not including marketing costs.
How much did Scarlett Johansson make from Avengers: Endgame?
According to Forbes, Johansson made about $14 million up front for Avengers: Endgame, plus approximately five percent of the box office grosses. Because Endgame made a whopping $2.8 billion, that amounts to about $35 million.
How much money did Scarlett Johansson make from Black Widow?
It’s estimated that Johansson made $15 million upfront for Black Widow, the same that Evans and Hemsworth each made for their most recent leading solo Marvel films (Captain America: Civil Warand Thor: Ragnarok).
What are Scarlett Johansson’s biggest movies outside of the MCU?
Outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Johansson has had a long and illustrious Hollywood career, beginning as a child star in Northin 1994. It wasn’t until 2001, however, when Johansson was 17, that she first earned big notices with the critically acclaimedGhost World. Two years later, Johansson enjoyed her biggest breakout film with 2003’s Lost In Translation. Playing alongside Bill Murray, the critically acclaimed film made $119 million on a $4 million budget. The same year, Johansson took over the titular role in Girl With a Pearl Earring, another indie critical darling, from Kate Hudson. (It wasn’t the only time that happened: She later became Black Widow because Emily Blunthad scheduling conflicts. Johansson explained to Parade, “The best call you can receive is after you are rejected for something and then you get it. You appreciate it more. I’ve basically made a career out of being second choice.”) From there, her career and box office grosses have been, for the most part, stellar—especially in ensemble films:
The Perfect Score: $40 million budget, $11 million grossThe SpongeBob SquarePants Movie: $30 million budget, $141 million grossIn Good Company: $26 million budget, $61 million grossA Love Song for Bobby Long: Budget unknown, $2 million grossA Good Woman: Budget unknown, $6.9 million grossThe Island: $126 million budget, $163 million grossMatch Point: $15 million budget, $86 million grossScoop: $17 million budget, $39 million grossThe Black Dahlia: $50 million budget, $49 million grossThe Prestige: $40 million budget, $110 million grossThe Nanny Diaries: $20 million budget, $48 million grossThe Other Boleyn Girl: $35 million budget, $78 million grossVicky Cristina Barcelona: $16 million budget, $96 million grossThe Spirit: $60 million budget, $39 million grossHe’s Just Not That Into You: $40 million budget, $179 million grossWe Bought A Zoo: $50 million budget, $120 million grossHitchcock: $16 million budget, $27 million grossUnder the Skin: $13 million budget, $5.9 million grossDon Jon: $3 million budget, $39 million grossHer: $23 million budget, $49 million grossChef: $11 million budget, $48 million grossLucy: $40 million budget, $459 million grossHail, Caesar!: $22 million budget, $64 million grossThe Jungle Book: $175 million budget, $967 million grossSing: $75 million budget, $634 million grossGhost In the Shell: $110 million budget, $170 million grossRough Night: $20 million budget, $47 million grossIsle of Dogs: Budget unknown, $64 million grossJojo Rabbit: $14 million budget, $90 million grossMarriage Story: $19 million budget, $334,000 gross and released on Netflix
Scarlett Johansson Awards
Johansson was nominated for two Oscars in 2020 for her lead performance in Marriage Storyand her supporting role in Jojo Rabbit. Similarly, in 2004 (when she was just 19 years old), she received two Golden Globe nominations for her performances in Ghost Worldand Girl With a Pearl Earring. In addition to her film work, Johansson is also a Tony Award winner for her performance in A View From the Bridgeon Broadway in 2010.
Is Scarlett Johansson a producer?
Johansson has producing credits on several projects in which she’s slated to star, including an executive producer on Black Widow. She’s also a producer of the upcoming sci-fi drama Bride and Disney’s Tower of Terror,and she executive-produced the 2011 documentary The Whale.
Does Scarlett Johansson sing?
Yes! In 2008, Johansson released an album called Anywhere I Lay My Head, flanked by lead single “Falling Down,” which featured background vocals from none other than David Bowie. The album featured songs written by Tom Waitsand his wife, as well as one original track called “Song for Jo.” It wasn’t a massive seller but moved an estimated 25,000 units worldwide. A year later, Johansson and Pete Yornreleased the duet album Break Up, which they’d actually recorded together in 2006. She said of the project, “It sounded like an interesting little adventure. The idea of two people vocalizing their relationship through duets…I always thought of it as just a small project between friends. It perfectly captured where I was in my life at the time.” The album was certified gold in France, selling 50,000 copies there.
What are Scarlett Johansson’s endorsements?
Johansson has been the face of a slew of high-end and consumer brands, including Mango, Dolce & Gabbana, L’Oréal, Louis Vuitton, Moët & Chandon and Calvin Klein, to name a few. Her most infamous partnership has been with SodaStream, which led to her departure as an ambassador for the charity Oxfam; Oxfam criticized Johansson for working with the brand because of its factory in the West Bank. Johansson didn’t relent, later explaining, “I stand behind that decision. I was aware of that particular factory before I signed. And it still doesn’t seem like a problem – at least not until someone comes up with a solution to the closing of that factory and leaving all those people destitute.”
Scarlett Johansson launched her own popcorn shop and skincare line
In October 2016, Johansson and then-husbandRomain Dauriacopened their own gourmet popcorn shop called Yummy Pop in Paris, where they lived at the time. The location has since closed. In June 2021, Johansson announced that she would launch her own line of clean skincare. The line’s name has not yet been revealed, but Johansson told Allure, “I created this brand to elevate clean, essential skin care. This will be a brand for everyone who wants their skin to look its best with minimal effort.” The brand is set to launch in 2022.
Scarlett Johansson’s real estate portfolio is high-end but low-key
One of the reasons you rarely see Johansson photographed out and about by paparazzi is because she avoids hotspots, especially in terms of where she calls home. While with Dauriac in 2013, Johansson purchased a $2.2 million estate in the Hamptons’ Amagansett neighborhood; a year later, she spent $3.9 million on a mansion in a secluded area of the Hollywood Hills. In 2018, shortly after she began dating now-husband Colin Jost, Johansson purchased a four-bedroom, four-bath home dubbed Ivy House in Rockland County New York’s quiet Sneden’s Landing neighborhood for $4 million. In December 2020, she listed her Manhattan two-bedroom, two-bathroom penthouse, which she purchased for $2.1 million in 2008, for $2.3 million. Next, take a look at Reese Witherspoon’s net worth and find out how the Southern star made it big in Hollywood!