Kathy Lassiter is a 65-year-old retiree living in Moseley, Virginia. I’ve always had weight issues, but thought I was fit enough since I exercise regularly. Despite my love of working out, I always struggled with aligning healthy eating with exercise, and I’d certainly never had any issues with my heart. On November 22, 2018, I got in my car at the crack of dawn and headed to Northern Virginia to spend Thanksgiving with my parents. When I arrived, I immediately went to a fitness studio to get in a pre-feast workout. This was a heart rate-based workout, and my heart rate had always been in what was considered an “acceptable” range while working out. But then it hit me: My heart rate escalated rapidly and I felt as if I was going to be sick to my stomach. I stepped out of the studio, and after a few minutes I felt better, so I went back to the workout. That lasted about a minute, and all the symptoms returned. I still felt like I could manage myself, so I drove myself back to my parents’ house. By the time I arrived, my coloring was gray and my breathing very shallow. Within minutes, EMS was there, and it was very apparent I was seriously ill. Long story short, I had what’s called a  “widow maker” heart attack, which comes with a 10% survival rate. But I was one of the lucky ones: I came out the other side alive. A stent was inserted and my life changed mentally, emotionally and physically. I threw myself into finding out everything I could about fighting heart disease, and made strong resolutions regarding my diet. This was a huge change for me because I loved a lot of foods that aren’t exactly heart-friendly: high-fat meats, fried foods, processed foods, and more. Workouts became very different as well. Initially, I was only allowed to work out in cardiac rehab, which felt more like a stroll versus working out. I was not the easiest patient; I wanted to get back in the fitness studios doing intense cardio, but I knew baby steps were important. I was put on maintenance medications, which will probably be a part of my daily routine for the rest of my life. Now, I’m working out a lot more and feeling more like myself. That being said, I wish I’d had a little more information about how to cope following my heart attack, so I hope I can help anyone on a similar journey. Here are 5 pieces of advice I wish I’d had after my heart attack:

Know that it is not selfish to take time for you

I am a part of the “sandwich generation,” I watch my grandchildren and I am blessed to have both parents. Self-care is a struggle for me, as my nature is to be a caregiver.

Stop self-blame and negative self-talk

I still struggle with this, but the reality is this behavior does not lead to an emotionally stable life. Give yourself grace.

Time is so precious

Do not fill it with stress and negative people, places, or things. I learned to relax, do what I could, with whom I wanted, and let the rest go. Control what you can.

Take absolutely nothing for granted

I fill my life with gratitude. I value each experience and each person that comes into my life. One day we will all leave a legacy…I want mine to be grace, gratitude, and love.

Be kind to yourself

If you fall into habits that are detrimental to your well-being, forgive yourself, find a new strategy, and move forward. Next, check out this live-well guide to maintaining heart health and preventing heart disease.

Retiree Kathy Lassiter On What She Wishes She d Known After Her Heart Attack - 58