February is American Heart Month. Here, project manager Ross Hadley shares the long journey that finally led him to a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy diagnosis. With heart disease affecting more and more people each year, it’s important to understand the different aspects of cardiovascular health, including heart conditions (and there are quite a few!) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a heart condition in which the heart muscle is thickened. Often genetic, HCM often presents in childhood or early adulthood and may not show any symptoms.  Like many HCM patients, Ross Hadley, a 50-year-old project manager, didn’t realize he had this condition until later in life and was diagnosed at the age of 40. In an effort to raise awareness and help other patients, he currently works at Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association.

On getting a diagnosis

For most of Hadley’s life, he had shortness of breath and occasional chest pain. “I thought it was normal,” says Hadley. “I’d talked with my doctor about my symptoms for years but was told it was stress or light asthma.” And then everything changed when he went for his annual physical after turning 40. “I went to my doctor and told him I was very concerned that I was going to have a heart attack.  They diagnosed me with AFib, and then when I went to a larger hospital for more advanced testing they discovered I also had HCM,” Hadley explains. Getting the diagnosis has also affected his mental health. “Being diagnosed with something that involves sudden cardiac death wasn’t easy,” says Hadley. “Aside from thinking about my own mortality, it also makes me think about my children since it’s a genetic condition.”

What Hadley finds helpful in managing his symptoms

The high-quality medical care he’s received has helped tremendously. “Finding care at a high-volume center that understands HCM made a huge difference in my mental and physical health,” says Hadley. “Personally, to optimize my quality of life to pace myself, watch my fluid intake (yet stay well hydrated), eat smaller low-carb meals, and listen to my body. HCM is very fickle with how you feel day-to-day.” Hadley also practices guided meditation to bring his mind and body into balance. “If I stop and take six deep, slow breaths, it helps me reset,” he says.

Hadley’s empowering message to HCM patients

First and foremost, be your own health advocate. “Advocate for yourself and educate yourself,” Hadley explains. “I had complained about chest pain for over 10 years before finally demanding to have an EKG.”  Also, try to find a support group. “After I found out I had HCM, I reached out to the HCMA and looked at their website, and then joined a support group on Facebook,” says Hadley. “It was a great comfort to know I wasn’t alone or going to die at any second. It allowed me to focus on managing my symptoms and living my best life.” Next, read how to improve your heart health, according to doctors.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “Cardiomyopathy” Project Manager Ross Hadley On His Journey to an HCM Diagnosis - 11