During a sitdown on The Howard Stern Show, the King of All Media asked the “Sunflower” singer if he was sober. Malone said that while he isn’t sober, he’s “responsible now” following a rough patch in which he recalled he “couldn’t get up off the floor for weeks” and pounded back screwdrivers with abandon. He noted that he didn’t receive professional treatment for alcohol abuse, instead relying on his support system at home. “I never got help with it, I just have super beautiful people around me, and I met a really beautiful person that made me feel like a human being again,” he said. Though he never names his fiancée outright (and so far hasn’t ever), he gushed, “Yeah, she saved my f-cking life. It’s pretty epic.” The rapper, who noted that his biggest vice was vodka, also credited Justin Bieber as a mentor in his professional life as well as his personal struggles.“There was a time to where I had so much guidance and Justin was guiding me … [but] at the end of the day I have to do what I want to do, and that’s what I’m going to do,” he said. Malone said that he continues to work on himself and admitted that he needs to do “a lot less talking and a lot more listening … I’m 26, and I’m learning every f**king day.“Watch a clip from this candid interview with the rapper below.  Next, check out 30 of the best movies you can watch about addiction and alcoholism.