Focus on the ‘why’

Downsizing to a new home? Moving an elderly parent? Just want to feel less burdened with stuff? Whatever your reason for wanting to declutter, keep it front and center, says Paxton, who writes his “why” on a large note as a reminder. “The ‘why’ helps you stay focused when the cleanout gets challenging,” he says.

Start small

To avoid burnout, don’t try to tackle an entire two-car garage at one go. Instead, pick a junk drawer or shelf to finish in one sitting. Savor it, then move on to the next small task.

Identify ‘legacy items’

Identify those items that will tell your family story when you’re gone and or that you want to pass on to the next generation. Don’t get held up on cost—they’re not always financially valuable, Paxton says. One of the treasures he found when cleaning his mother’s house was a cookbook filled with recipes in her handwriting. “The flavors of my life are in this book,” he says. “That’s my mom’s legacy. Now my 10-year-old son cooks out of it.”

Document the stories

“It’s not the items we can’t get rid of; it’s the emotions attached to them,” Paxton points out. Film your mother talking about her wedding dress or a piece of furniture. “Capture the stories, keep the emotions. Then you don’t need to hang on to the item anymore,” he says.

Sell, donate, toss

Make giveaway piles for nonprofits, relatives or friends. Mark each item with a note for who gets it, then set a date for pick it up. If they’re not picked up, you’re free to give them to someone else. If you’re selling, be smart: “Do your research as to what things are worth, and remember your time has value,” Paxton says. “Don’t spend six hours trying to squeeze an extra $5 out of a used grill.” He recommends selling furniture, workout equipment, bikes and dishware, among other things, online (like at Facebook Marketplace) or via specialty apps like Poshmark for brand-name clothes and Letgo for furniture.

Preserve family photos

Sifting through old snapshots? The natural oils on your skin can damage photos, documents and tintypes. Paxton uses archival quality Nylon LintlessGloves before a cleanout. Package of four, $7, Try an app, such as Photomyne, that lets you scan photos, boost color and contrast, colorize black-and-white images and store pics for instant access. Free with in-app purchases Important photos should go in boxes made of acid-free paper, like University Products’ Large Archival Photo Storage Box. $25,

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