If you’re wondering how Olivia Amato seemingly does it all—all while sporting the cutest hairstyles the Peloton screen has ever seen—we’ve got you covered. Parade.com caught up with Amato and asked about some of her best-kept wellness secrets, from how she stays motivated to her incredible tip for better sleep. (Spoiler alert: It’s also part beauty hack!)
Peloton instructor Olivia Amato’s wellness secrets
Wellness secret #1: Keep your inner circle small but supportive
Friends and family—and of course, your fellow Pelotonians—can do a lot to keep you motivated. It doesn’t matter how big your circle is, Amato maintains, just that they’re supportive. “My friends and family mean everything to me. I keep my circle small; they are people who have been around for a long time. We want what’s best for each other and the trust is real,” Amato says. “The Peloton community keeps me motivated because they keep me accountable. I want to show up every day for this community and the support, the camaraderie, and dedication for our members is a constant reminder of what my ‘why’ is.”
Wellness secret #2: Set an intention.
Maybe you’ve heard it before—especially when it comes to yoga—but it’s a top tip for a successful workout. “For me, setting an intention before every workout really helps me. Knowing my ‘why’ before and during my workout is a helpful reminder to keep going when things get challenging,” Amato explains. She adds, “I also listen to a song that makes me feel good and energized before starting the workout. Right now, it’s ‘Hold On’ by Justin Bieber!”
Wellness Secret #3: Eat for energy
Amato’s hack for a much-needed boost of energy may not be nutritionist-approved, but it works. “I usually like to eat at least two hours before my workout so that I have time to digest,” Amato says. “If I eat right before a workout, I usually have something with sugar to give that quick burst of energy. It can literally be anything from a piece of fruit to a few Sour Patch Kids.”
Wellness Secret #4: Set your goals, then organize them
Setting goals is (sometimes) easy. Smashing them PR-style is the hard part. So, how does Amato make sure she accomplishes the goals she sets? It’s all about the individual, she says, but organizing your goals and making them as realistic as possible is key. “Everyone is different but I think defining what your goal is and why is crucial,” Amato says. “I like to organize my weeks in advance so that I can see what my schedule looks like holistically and make sure it’s doable both mentally and physically, as well as in line with my goals.” It’s also important to ask yourself: Who are you doing this for? “Do things for you, not because you want to prove something to anyone else,” Amato explains. “Learning to really love and respect yourself and show gratitude helps me put things into perspective when I need it the most.”
Wellness secret #5: Try a heated sleep mask.
Say what?! When asked her top tip for improved sleep, Amato had two words: Heated sleep masks. We had to investigate further and upon using for several nights, we can confirm: Heated sleep masks are where it’s at if you’re hoping for a better night of sleep. Next up, catch Peloton instructor Ally Love’s best-kept wellness secrets.