Read on for my interview with Lydia, and make sure to check in with every day for interviews with this season’s contestants and other tidbits. Survivor 42 premieres on March 9 with a special two-hour premiere on CBS.
Interview with Lydia from Survivor 42
Why are you here on Survivor? I have so many dreams, and this happens to be one of them. And you know, yes, of course, I want the million dollars. Everyone does! It’s the main reason why a lot of us are here. But one of the other things is that it’s an experience of a lifetime. I feel like so many people that come on the show to play come out a better person than they were when they came in. And I think that’s really cool. And I need in on the action! (Laughs.) What’s your history with watching Survivor? My parents have been watching since day one. And it came on just like a few years after they were married. So it’s been a big part of their marriage. Then they had kids and brought us in once we were old enough to understand what was going on. I’m eight rooting for Amanda and Parvati in Micornesia. And it’s since then it has just been every Wednesday night thing. It’s really been a constant in life when there have been so many “unconstants.” So it’s so cool that not only do I get to be here, but my whole family gets to experience this journey as well. Give me one Survivor winner and one non-winner who you identify with the most. It’s funny because they’re both in the same season. I love Michele Fitzgerald. I feel like she was very under the radar. But her social game was strong, and she kicked ass. And I love Aubry as well. They both played their asses off. They both had completely different games, you know, but I definitely see a lot of myself in Michele and Aubry. What’s one life experience you feel has prepared you most for the game? I don’t think there’s a specific one, but just my ability to adapt and try new things. I mean, I moved across the country when I was 20. I don’t have a ton of life experience. I can’t say that I know everything in the world. But in so many different scenarios, I will just jump into things, adapt, and figure it out, faking it till I make it. And I really feel like that’s a lot of Survivor. You really just got to go with your gut and hope you’re doing the right thing. How has the last year of dealing with the pandemic and lockdowns shaped the way you view this experience? I was actually supposed to leave last year, in May of 2020. So I was being put on hold for almost over a year, hoping I was still going to go on the show. And, I look back at it and all the growing that I’ve done in the pandemic, sitting with myself. Of course, everyone just kind of stopped and took a really long big breath. And a lot of people reevaluated what they wanted, not only just our hopes and dreams, but who am I and what do I believe in, and what is life. I don’t need to go into an existential crisis. (Laughs.) But if I was to play last year, I don’t think I would have had the same game as I do now. I feel like I have grown as a person a lot. I’ve gotten into therapy, which I’m definitely going to take the things I’ve talked about with her into this game. And I hope and I think I’ll play a better game now. I feel more clear-headed in a way but also not. (Laughs.) What do you think people will perceive you as? I’m going to have to do a lot of things in the game of Survivor that are kind of against my nature. I’m going to have to listen more than talk, which is already it’s a struggle. I’m hoping to be perceived as the fun, good-energy, loving little sister. You can confide in them because your little sister doesn’t have anybody else to tell. I really hope I give off that energy. It’s just listening and gaining as much knowledge as possible for me to get ahead in the game. I’d love to kiss them out the door. (Laughs.) But sorry, you know too much now! You gotta go. What do you desire in an alliance partner? I want my alliance to be playing the game. I don’t want them to get me out, of course, but I really want them to be playing the game as hard as I want to play. And, of course, we all want them to be loyal. But everybody has different motives. Who I think is a threat may be a goat to someone else. But I just hope that I find an alliance on Day 1 or 2 that I’m able to stick it out with, and we make a lot of moves and then stick it out to the end of the game. What celebrity or fictional character would you want to come out for a Loved Ones visit? I would have to say Kevin Bacon. I have been just an avid lover of Kevin Bacon since I was 13. I could not tell you why; I just have an obsession. I saw Footloose as like a child. And I was just like, “I have begun as my new obsession.” Like that was literally all it was. I haven’t even half of his work. I’ve only seen a select few. But I’m just like, “Yeah, you’re my obsession.” (Laughs.) And just to see him come out, that would be crazy. Next, check out our interview with Survivor 42 contestant Jenny Kim.