This was Kardashian’s debut SI Swim moment. She posted the cover on Twitter and Instagram on Monday, writing: “We shot this back in January and it’s been so hard to keep this cover a secret. For the location we went back to one of my favorite places in the world, the Dominican Republic! It’s such an honor and a dream to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.” Kardashian isn’t the only one excited about her cover. MJ Day, editor in chief of SI Swimsuit, said he’s beyond excited to feature Kardashian this year alongside Ciara, Musk, and Nu. “The journey we’ve been on—to break out of the mold the world put us in—may sound familiar. It’s certainly familiar to the women we’ve chosen to be our cover models: Maye, Ciara, Yumi, Kim,” Day said in a statement. “At course, Kim, no stranger to the world’s judgment, continues to live proudly, authentically and unapologetically through the noise.” Other celebrities were excited to see Kim’s cover, too, with TV personality Olivia Pierson writing “Yay! Finally … stunning!” and designer Nicole Williams English wrote “so beautiful, congratulations!” Kim’s cover is one to remember, that’s for sure. Next up: Where to Get Maye Musk’s Bathing Suit for $39