Read on for my interview with Jonathan, and make sure to check in with every day for interviews with this season’s contestants and other tidbits. Survivor 42 premieres on March 9 with a special two-hour premiere on CBS.

Interview with Jonathan from Survivor 42

Tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Jonathan Young. I’m from Gulf Shores, Alabama. I own a beach rental business down there. And I’ve had it for ten years. That’s one of the key tools that I’m going to use to take me further in the game. What’s your history with watching Survivor? It started when I was 14. I was on a TV show called Endurance, which is like Survivor for kids. And that show was basically a dumbed-down version of this show. You couldn’t starve us because we were just kids. But I got a taste of what Survivor would be like. And when I got home, I immediately was like, “I want to do Survivor. I want to do the real thing. I want to see how hard it is. I want the challenge.” Give me one Survivor winner and one non-winner who you identify with the most. The non-winner that I identify with would have to be Joe and Ozzy a little bit. I like the way Ozzy played his outdoor game and the way that Joe played the challenges. If I could identify with a winner, I like the bluntness of Boston Rob. He was to the point, like, “This is how it is how it is,” until it was time to lie or sneak around. What’s one life experience you feel has prepared you most for the game? I’ve been raised on the beach. I mean, I make my money off the beach. I’ve trained pretty much for this moment. I spearfish all the time. I’ve swam at the University of Alabama. And once I knew that I was getting on Survivor, I changed the way that I worked and worked out. I changed everything to morph around the game. Anything I could have done, I did because I want to leave all my chips on the table. So my lifestyle is going to be very adaptable to the game of Survivor; I think that’s going to help me a lot. What’s the best advice you received before coming out to play? Do not get comfortable. And that that sat with me for over a year. Mr. Matt [Van Wagenen] actually told me that. And somebody else here told me, “Survivor’s like a poker game. You can’t predict the cards and how other people are going to get dealt. It’s a new game every time.” You can’t watch these old seasons in and think you have it all figured out. You have to be ready for anything because it’s never the same. What do you think people will perceive you as? So the front end, everybody will see a guy who wants to serve. I want to help. I want to do what I can to provide for my tribe. Going into it, I know that I’m going to be the bigger player. I know that everybody’s going to think I’m a physical threat. It’s obvious. I have to use that. And the only way that I can use it is to go, “Hey, I’ll use it to help you. This isn’t just for me. It’s for us. We’re a tribe. We’re sticking together.” Anything that I can use, I’m going to use it. But on the back end is the chaos. I didn’t come here to change everybody’s diapers. I came here to change the game. And the cool part of this is I’m going to cause every bit of trouble that I can if I think it’ll help me get further in the game. I’m not going to be scared. I’m not going to leave the game going, “Oh, I wish I would have done this. Oh, wish I would have done that.” I want no regrets; I want to leave on empty. What will the other players dislike about you? I think that what they wouldn’t like about me is just some idea that they put in their head from being around me and not being able to talk to me. Because I am bigger, and I look the way I do, it could be that they were intimidated. But the truth is, once they get to know me, there’s nothing to be intimidated of. I want to be everybody’s friend. I love people, and I want to help my tribe go to the top. And once they know that I’m genuine, then there’s nothing that’s going to make them dislike me. What do you desire in an alliance partner? If I can find somebody that’s honest, real, and genuine, then I would love it! (Laughs.) Somebody that I could trust, that’s what I want. But everybody wants somebody they can trust in an alliance. I don’t know how I’m going to find it. But somebody genuine and real. I don’t care about the shape, size, or anything like that. When you’re at your lowest moment in the game, what’s one happy memory you’ll pull from in your time of need? Just the memories of my hometown, living the life. I’ve got a great family, I’ve got a good town, I’ve got a good job, I’ve got good friends. And I have a good support system. That’s always good to remember. No matter what happens out here, you got your family, your friends, and I always got Jesus. What celebrity or fictional character would you want to come out for a Loved Ones visit? Lauren Daigle, the singer. I love what she stands on, what she sings about, her voice. Oh my gosh. I mean, she’s beautiful, inside and out. That’s the truth. I would love to meet Lauren Daigle. Lauren Daigle, if you’re reading this, I’m Jonathan Young from Gulf Shores, and I’m 29 years old. (Laughs.) Next, check out our interview with Survivor 42 contestant Jackson Fox.

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