You ask yourself, could these potatoes still possibly be safe to eat? We’re here to clear things up once and for all. Here’s how to tell if a potato is bad. 

How Long Do Potatoes Last, Really?

First things first, let’s break down the shelf life of these yummy tubers. In general, raw potatoes that are stored in a cool, dark place can last two to three months. When stored at room temperature, though, raw potatoes will typically only last one to two weeks.

How To Tell if a Potato Is Bad: 6 Signs to Watch Out For

Not exactly sure if that spud you bought ages ago is still any good? You should toss that potato if:

Potatoes Should Never Look Like This:

How To Tell if a Sweet Potato Is Bad

There are a few telltale signs a sweet potato has spoiled. If a sweet potato is soft and mushy, has black or brown spots, smells bad or is moldy, then it’s no longer safe to consume.  iStock

How To Tell if a Red Potato Is Bad

You can tell if a red potato is bad by how it looks and smells. Shriveled skin, dark spots, mushy texture, pungent odor, and sprouts or mold all mean a red potato is bad.  iStock

How To Tell if a Russet Potato Is Bad

Similar to other types of potatoes, russet potatoes are considered bad if they’ve gone soft, developed bruising, have mold or sprouts, are stinky or are turning green.

How To Store Potatoes So They Stay Fresh Longer

Now that you know how to tell if a potato is bad, it’s time to brush up on storing spuds so you can ensure yours stay fresher longer. iStock The best way to store raw potatoes is to keep them somewhere cool, dark and dry. Think: a pantry, cupboard or cabinet away from any sunlight. Doing this can help delay them from sprouting and developing mold. Just don’t put raw potatoes in the freezer. This can actually cause them to soften and turn brown.  Next: 40 Crazy Good Potato Recipes Every Spud Lover Will Appreciate

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