Let’s start with the good news: Not all mosquitoes bite. “Female mosquitoes need certain proteins found in blood to grow their eggs,” says Joseph Conlon, technical advisor, American Mosquito Control Association. Since males don’t produce eggs, they don’t bite. So what happens when a mama mosquito chomps into your skin? She injects a little bit of her saliva into your blood. The saliva contains anticoagulants that keep your blood from clotting, which make it easier for her to drink up. But they also trigger an allergic reaction, leaving you with the classic red, itchy bump—or worse. But in a worst-case scenario, she can inject other things into your blood, too. That’s where viruses like Zika enter the picture: A mosquito can pick up a virus by biting an animal or person who is already infected. And once the mosquito is infected with a virus, she can transmit it to you through a bite, says Southern Research Institute Research Virologist Mohammed Saeed, PhD.
Why are mosquitoes drawn to certain people more than others?
Chalk it up to the way you smell, Conlon says. Larger people and those who are more active or fidgety tend to produce more carbon dioxide and lactic acid—two things that mosquitoes love. Genes appear to affect the scents we emit too, and the little buzzers seem to prefer certain aromas to others, according to a recent PLoS One study. Your perfume or cologne “doesn’t seem to have any effect,” Conlon says. We asked the experts for the best ways to battle mosquitoes and prevent bites this summer.
Easy ways to fight mosquito bites
Protect yourself from mosquitoes before they bite
Better mosquito control combined with our indoor, air-conditioned lifestyles means people in the U.S. are less likely to catch mosquito-transmitted viruses than people in other countries, Saeed says. Still, taking steps to reduce your odds of getting bitten is a smart move. As you start spending more time outside in the warmer weather, Conlon recommends making sure screens are in place, and remembering the three Ds: DRAIN water where mosquitoes breed, DRESS accordingly and DEFEND yourself with the right repellents. DRAIN water where mosquitoes breed. With the spread of Zika, mosquitos have gone from a warm-weather nuisance to a real concern. Stop mosquito breeding by getting get rid of all standing water in your yard. This means everything from that patio pot that collects water to your outdoor dog bowl. You can attract its natural predator, the dragonfly, by planting in your garden black-eyed Susans and other colorful flowers that dragonflies prefer, according to Leah Ingram. DRESS accordingly. Wear tight-weave clothing with long sleeves or pant legs when possible, or layer loose-weave shirts and pants to keep mosquitoes from biting through thin fabric. Light colors repel some mosquito varieties, such as those carrying the Zika virus. If you garden, hike or plan to spend evenings at the ballpark, consider clothing infused with the insecticide permethrin to get extra protection. Opt for mosquito-resistant clothing—lightweight long-sleeved shirts and pants can help prevent mosquito bite. DEFEND yourself with the right repellents. DEET sprays are the gold standard, Conlon says. If you prefer a natural option, try a repellent made with lemon eucalyptus oil or picaridin (a derivative of pepper plants). Both have been shown to work almost as well as DEET. Still not sure which spray is best? Check out the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) website for tried-and-tested repellents, including products containing DEET and picaridin, that will work best for your summer activities. Looking for a natural way to fight off mosquitos and prevent mosquito bites? Catnip oil and oil of lemon eucalyptus are both registered by the EPA as effective, safe repellents. Be cautious when using these products in high concentrations—stick to EPA-registered sprays and roll-on sticks containing these natural ingredients, such as Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent. Oil of lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children under age 3.
Bug-proof fido and fluffy to fight off mosquitoes
Your pets need protection from the little bloodsuckers too. Up to a million dogs and cats are currently infected with heartworm disease, a parasitic infection transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito that can cause permanent damage to your pet’s heart. Fortunately, the disease is largely preventable. Heartworm medications are available in pill, topical and injectable formulas—and most come with the added benefit of protecting your pet from intestinal parasites, ticks, fleas and mites, says Stephen L. Jones, DVM, president of the American Heartworm Society. Talk with your vet to figure out the best option for your furry friend.
Fight mosquitoes and bites with better air flow
Skip the bug-zapping machines. Electric floor fans create a breeze that not only knocks mosquitoes off track, but also distorts smells released from our bodies that lure them in. According to a Consumer Reports test, an oscillating pedestal fan positioned on the porch reduced mosquitoes by 45 to 65 percent.
Other easy ideas to prevent mosquito bites:
Avoid being outside during dusk and dawn.If you can’t buy pre-treated mosquito-repellent clothes, treat your clothes with permethrin. You can also use this to treat tents and canvas campers.Use larvicide briquettes in bird baths or rain barrels if you must have standing water.Use a mosquito net if you don’t have screens on your windows.Bug zapping machines (including handheld ones) can work if you can’t use a fan to circulate the air.Burn citronella or mosquito coils—neither option are the most effective repellent, so use it in conjunction with other measures to fight off mosquitoes and prevent bites.
Fun facts about mosquitoes
5 mph: The top speed at which the average mosquito flies115 feet: The distance at which a mosquito can spot or smell a warm body2 to 3 weeks: The lifespan of the average mosquito.01 milliliters: The maximum amount of blood a mosquito can take in when it bites.500%: The amount that mosquito activity increases during a full moon compared to a new moon
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