To cut down on the costs and pain of traditional waxing, some people are trying “sugaring,” which refers to a DIY hair removal method using a mixture of sugar, lemon and water. Is it worth the hype? Find out the truth skincare experts.

What Are the Benefits of Sugar Wax?

Sugar wax has two obvious benefits: It’s inexpensive and easy to make. “You don’t need very many ingredients to make a sugar wax and the method is a little like making caramel. All you need is plain white sugar, water and lemon juice,” says Tanya Anderson, the creator of Lovely Greens and who has written several books on all-natural skincare. “You heat these ingredients together on the stove until it looks like warm golden brown syrup and then you let it cool. That’s it,” Anderson says of how to make sugar wax. Once the sugar wax mixture is made, it’s applied directly to the skin. Then, small strips of cotton cloth are placed directly on top. Each strip is quickly pulled back, which removes the hair. Anderson says that some people are drawn to using sugar wax for hair removal because it washes off easily, making cleanup a breeze. (No sticky wax everywhere!) She says that many people also find it less painful than traditional waxing because you pull in the direction the hair is growing, rather than against it. “Also, since you can use it at room temperature, the chances of getting burned can be minimized,” Anderson says. Clean beauty expert, aromatherapist, botanical skincare expert, and Plant-Powered Beauty author Amy Galper says that sugaring can be beneficial for people with sensitive skin. “Sugar is much gentler on the skin than wax,” she says. “Our skin actually needs to be more acidic to help balance its pH, and the sugar helps lower the skin’s alkalinity and leave it feeling soft and more hydrated.”

What Does a Dermatological Nurse Think of Sugar Wax?

Dermatological nurse, celebrity aesthetician and N4 Skincare founder Natalie Aguilar says that sugaring is a safe hair removal method as long as it’s not too hot when applied to the skin. (She actually prefers not heating it.) “The ingredients are neutral and if used properly can be gentle,” she says. Aguilar does say that it’s important to avoid applying sugar wax to skin affected by breakouts. “Any skin types with acne or active breakouts on the areas to be treated should avoid this hair removal method until their skin has cleared up or they’ve first checked with their skincare professional,” she says. With that in mind, Aguilar says that there are a few risks anyone trying sugaring should be aware of. “The first risk may occur when applying hot, or really warm, sugar to the skin, which may cause pigmentation in certain skin types or may burn the skin if applied too hot,” she says. “Another risk is using the sugar wax on areas that have recently been treated with acids, such as glycolic, or a peel.” Other than that, she says that sugaring is low-risk. Want to give sugaring a try? Next, see step-by-step directions for how to make it using it effectively.

How to make and use sugar wax


1 cup white sugar 2 Tbsp warm water2 Tbsp lemon juice

  1. Mix the ingredients together in a saucepan over low heat. Anderson says to keep a careful eye on it as sugar burns quickly. “Sugar can easily burn during cooking, so when you’re making homemade sugar wax, keep stirring,” she says. “Also, when it’s finished, the consistency should be brown but still very liquidy,” Anderson says to let the sugar wax cool for at least half an hour, which allows it to form a pliable wax.
  2. Make sure the skin you want to wax is clean. Then, apply a thin layer of sugar wax to the skin.
  3. Cover the skin with cotton strips, pressing down on the strips lightly.
  4. Quickly pull back each strip one by one.
  5. Wash off the excess sugar wax.
  6. Store the extra sugar wax in a clean, air-tight glass jar and use it within two weeks. When done correctly, your skin should be smooth, and as a bonus, smell downright delicious. This is one hair removal method that can have pretty sweet results!  Next up, here’s what you need to know about “strawberry legs,” which can happen if you shave too often.


Tanya Anderson, creator of Lovely Greens and author of A Woman’s Garden: Grow Beautiful Plants and Make Useful Things Amy Galper, clean beauty expert, aromatherapist, botanical skincare expert, and author of Plant-Powered BeautyNatalie Aguilar, dermatological nurse, celebrity aesthetician, and N4 Skincare founder