If you’re trying to lose water weight, the good news is that there are many healthy and safe ways to do it. Here’s what to know.

What is water weight?

Also known as water retention, water weight is extra water stored in your body’s tissue. “Water weight is the amount of one’s total body weight that is attributable to the water within the body,” says Dr. Uma Naidoo, nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef, nutrition specialist, and author of the bestselling book This is Your Brain on Food. “Under healthy conditions, about 50-60% of our total body weight is estimated to be water, which can fluctuate in response to a variety of factors. These include diet, hormones, cardiac health, kidney function, exercise, body temperature, and more.

Why does your body retain extra water?

“Ironically, dehydration is a very common cause of water weight, saysDr. Tricia Pingel, NMD. “When you’re dehydrated, your body lacks the water it needs to function, so it retains the water you do consume at a higher rate. In addition, water helps flush out your kidneys, which are responsible for maintaining proper water balance in the body.” Mineral deficiencies can also cause excess water weight. “A very common deficiency is magnesium. In fact, consuming magnesium has been successful in reducing water weight is associated with premenstrual water retention,” Dr. Pingel explains. Stress also affects water retention. “Long-term stress increases cortisol, the stress hormone, which has an impact on your fluid retention, Dr. Pingel states. “Cortisol triggers the release of Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH), which signals your kidneys to manage water balance differently.” Another culprit of water retention? Diet. High sodium intake is a common cause of water weight. “The body holds onto the water if needed to balance out what we eat, or will excrete water when such dilution isn’t needed. The bodies of those who consume a high salt diet will retain more water in efforts to neutralize the excess sodium,” Dr. Naidoo explains. A diet high in sugar and carbohydrates can raise sodium levels. “High sugar/simple carbohydrate diets may increase insulin levels in the body which can also lead to increased sodium and, thus, water retention,” Dr. Naidoo states. “It is also worth noting that for every gram of carbohydrates that our bodies store as glycogen for energy later on, it also stores three grams of water.” For women, it could also be that time of the month. “Women, specifically, experience water retention during certain stages of the menstrual cycle as high estrogen and low progesterone levels can influence the body to hold on to excess water,” says Dr. Naidoo. Underlying medical conditions could also be to blame. “There are also medical causes for water retention such as heart disease, problems with kidney function, imbalance in hormone levels, and more,” Dr. Naidoo explains. “These underlying causes need to be assessed by a medical professional.”

What are the best ways to lose water weight?

The first step is talking to a healthcare professional. “Always speak to your doctor before trying to rid yourself of what you think is excess water weight, sometimes called edema,” says Dr. Naidoo. “For example, individuals with early heart failure may have swelling around their ankles and feet. Individuals often also feel some relief when their doctor prescribes a diuretic pill that forces the body to excrete excess water.” In terms of lifestyle changes, there are many ways to reduce the amount of water our bodies retain, some of which may be healthier than others. Dr. Naidoo explains, “A simple step is to take a look at your diet and remove excess salt or added sugars. Following a diet specifically rich in potassium and magnesium, as well as fiber-filled vegetables, healthy fats and clean proteins is an ideal way to promote not only optimal gut health and mental health, but healthy cellular environments throughout the body which are conducive to normal proportions of water weight.” Dietary changes can be a powerful tool in helping you create a sense of balance. Other lifestyle changes include exercise, adequate hydration, and sleep, Dr. Naidoo adds.

Is it safe to lose a lot of water weight?

It depends on the underlying cause of the water weight. “If you’re concerned about water weight, speaking to your doctor is a key factor in case there is an underlying medical cause. For those dealing with chronic or excess water retention, this may be related to your heart, and you may need medication to help rid your body of the excess water. Early signs of kidney disease can be detected by blood tests your doctor can order,” Dr. Naidoo states. However, if you’re on a low sugar or low carb diet, you will lose water weight first, which could make you dehydrated. “Oftentimes when individuals go on weight-loss diets, such as low-sugar or low-carb diets, and they lose a lot of weight fairly quickly which could lead to dehydration if fluids or electrolytes are not replenished,” Dr. Naidoo explains. “They lose water weight first because for every gram of carbohydrates that our bodies store for energy later on, it also stores three grams of water.” The same principle applies to consistent extreme exercise. Without proper recovery and hydration, you will become dehydrated, Dr. Naidoo adds. “Over time, dehydration can lead to low blood pressure, muscle damage, cardiac issues, urinary and kidney problems and seizures, all of which can be detrimental to brain health and physical health,” says Dr. Naidoo. “Of note, too, is that someone who is dehydrated may experience higher levels of anxiety.” Next, read about 20 drinks that can help you lose weight (it’s not just water!)


The BMJ: The Relationship Between ‘Normal’ Fluid Retention in Women and Idiopathic Oedema”Dr. Uma Naidoo, nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef, nutrition specialist, and author of the bestselling book This is Your Brain on FoodDr. Tricia Pingel, NMDFrontiers in Nutrition: “Increased Hydration Can Be Associated with Weight Loss”Reproductive Sciences: “Hormonal Changes During Menopause and the Impact on Fluid Regulation”Journal of Applied Physiology: “Carbohydrate Exerts a Mild Influence on Fluid Retention Following Exercise – Induced Dehydration”Harvard Health: “Heart Failure and Salt: The Great Debate”Harvard T.H. Chan: “Water”Journal of Women’s Health: “Magnesium Supplementation Alleviates Premenstrual Symptoms of Fluid Retention”Canadian Anaesthetists’ Society Journal: “Cortisol and Antidiuretic Hormone Responses to Stress in Cardiac Surgical Patients” How to Lose Water Weight  What Is Water Weight  and How Can You Lose It  - 26