Cheryl said on Twitter: “I’ve got some great news. I am officially cleared. I am back to normal. No more quarantine for me. Unfortunately, Cody is still in quarantine. But he will be back in Los Angeles on Friday, which means we still can technically dance on both Monday and Tuesday. First of all, I’m grateful that we’re healthy – thank you guys for all of your support. Over the past week or 10 days, it’s been an emotional roller coaster and we wouldn’t have been able to get over it without your support. I’m just happy that Cody is okay. We’re still rehearsing via Zoom as we speak. We’ve got two dances but all that matters is you will see us back in the ballroom Monday and Tuesday night. I am so excited. We’ve got lots of work to do.” Update Oct. 1:, 2021: Since the announcement was made that both Cody Rigsby and Cheryl Burke have tested positive for breakthrough COVID-19, the dance partners revealed they will still be performing. According to ABC correspondent Zohreen Shah, they will each dance alone, in their separate homes, where they will be monitored to ensure they can do so safely. “We’re going to be doing it from the comfort of our own home,” Cheryl said giving a sneak peek of her revamped living room on Good Morning America, which she has turned into a mini-ballroom.OK Monday’s theme night for DWTS is songs by Britney Spears. “I’m so excited to dance for Britney week on Dancing With the Stars one way or the other,” Cody said. Update Sept. 30, 2021: Earlier this week, we were worried who Cody Rigsby would dance with on next Monday’s Britney Spears theme night on Dancing with the Stars. (His partner Cheryl Burke announced that she had COVID on Monday.) Well, it’s looking as if that is no longer an issue because the Peloton instructor announced that he too has contracted breakthrough COVID. On Thursday night, he posted on Instagram: “Hi friends, I wanted to check in with you to share some news. While I am fully vaccinated and took many precautions, following CDC guidelines, I recently tested positive for COVID-19. To properly rest and recover as well as avoid exposing others, I will be taking a break in the coming days. I appreciate all your support and I’ll be back as soon as I am ready.” This is the second time that Cody has tested positive for COVID, but this time around he says he has mild symptoms: congestion, little bit of a headache and cough. “In comparison to when I had COVID earlier this year, it is night and day, so that must be the vaccine and the antibodies working so we’re super grateful for that. As far as my fate on Dancing With the Stars, we are still trying to figure that out right now, so please be patient with that answer.” Posted Sept. 28, 2021:Now that Britt Stewart is a free agent, having been part of the first couple eliminated on Dancing with the Stars last night, we are speculating that she would be the perfect replacement to take over for Cheryl Burke to dance with Peloton instructor Cody Rigsby. Cody needs a temporary partner while Cheryl is incapacitated after having been diagnosed with breakthrough COVID-19. She revealed her diagnosis in an Instagram video posted on Sunday night. Dancing with the Stars rules permits a couple to stay in the competition if they are judged on a rehearsal video and it just so happened that Cheryl and Cody had such a piece of film for the judges and viewers to watch. They danced the salsa to “Don’t Go Yet” by Camila Cabello and received a score of 24 points from judges Len Goodman, Carrie Ann Inaba, Bruno Tonioli and Derek Hough, each of who was awarded them 6 points. As the judges pointed out, it wasn’t ideal, but it kept Cody’s Mirror Ball dreams alive. “We’ve got a few options here,” Cody told reporters on a Zoom call Monday night after the show. “Option A is that I rehearse with a sub partner for the entire week and I also perform with that person depending on when Cheryl is cleared. Then the other option might be that I dance with a sub and then Cheryl is [cleared] at the last moment and dances with me on Monday. All of this is determined by people who know a lot more about COVID and CDC guidelines, so we’re at the helm of their duty.” Either way, Cheryl is going to be part of the practice, logging in from home on Zoom to demonstrate the choreography and give notes every step of the way. “I’m gonna be the ultimate dance mom right over here,” she said. Britt had been partnered with Martin Kove, who had the lowest score of any of the contestants by a long shot. He had been awarded a 13 on week one when he didn’t even pretend to dance, and a 15 on week two when he made more of an effort. Martin was in the bottom two on last night’s show with Christie Chiu, who had a total score of 49, so it was an easy choice for the judges to decide who should be eliminated. As a result of being part of this season, Britt has met all the COVID-19 protocols for Dancing with the Stars and would make an excellent replacement for Cheryl. Last season was her first time as a professional partner, making her the first Black female pro, on Dancing with the Stars when she was partnered with Johnny Weir. The couple finished sixth, making it to the semifinals and being eliminated one week before the finale. It wouldn’t be the first time that a replacement had to be made. For example, in 2019, Jenna Johnson filled in when Lindsay Arnold suffered a death in her family. It allowed Sean Spicer to continue on in the competition. contacted ABC to see if there was any possibility that Britt might substitute next week, but there is no word as yet. Dancing with the Stars airs Monday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC. Next, The First Elimination! Who Went Home on Dancing With the Stars Tonight?