So, what makes this particular pepper so special? One of the main ingredients in cayenne pepper is capsaicin, known for its powerful healing abilities. It’s also the ingredient that makes cayenne peppers spicy. When applied topically as a cream or ointment, capsaicin can offer pain relief by changing how your body processes pain. It’s true!

What is cayenne pepper?

From the Capsicum Anuum family, cayenne pepper is a type of chili pepper found in fresh, fried and powdered forms. “Cayenne pepper is a scrub that makes hollow fruits that are in the shape of long pods and called cayenne chili peppers,” says Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, CNS, DCand founder of Ancient Nutrition. “The fruit is used for cooking and for therapeutic purposes.” When cayenne peppers are dried and ground, they are used as a culinary spice. “They are a staple in Southwestern American, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Cajun, and Creole cuisine,” Dr. Uma Naidoo, nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef, nutrition specialist, and author of the bestselling book This is Your Brain on Food, explains. “Dried and ground, they make a powdered spice for seasoning. Cayenne peppers are often found as an ingredient in hot sauces and are also ground into a dried powder for use as a culinary spice. Pure ground cayenne pepper will rate very high on the Scoville scale for heat level.”

Cayenne pepper nutrition facts

“Cayenne pepper is a great source of certain vitamins and a nutritious addition to one’s diet for those that enjoy a little spice!” Dr Naidoo says. One tablespoon contains 1g of fat, 3 g of carbs 1.3 g fiber and 0.6 g protein. It also contains 44% of the RDA of vitamin A, as well as smaller amounts of vitamin E, C, B6, K, manganese, potassium and riboflavin. “It’s a decent source of vitamin A and contains powerful antioxidants, especially flavonoids,” Dr. Axe adds. “Its most active compound, capsaicin, is well known for its anti-inflammatory effects and other impressive health benefits.”

Health benefits of cayenne pepper

There are many reasons why it’s a good idea to incorporate cayenne peppers into your diet. “As a nutritional psychiatrist I encourage those who enjoy some spice to add cayenne pepper to their meals as there are several benefits on digestion, appetite and metabolism,” says Dr. Naidoo.

Aids in digestion

A well-known benefit of spicy food is that it literally kicks your digestive system into high gear. “Cayenne pepper triggers the production of saliva, which is needed to begin the digestive process,” Dr. Axe explains. “It also stimulates the flow of enzyme production, which is necessary for the body to metabolize foods properly.”

Regulates appetite

If you struggle with food cravings and portion control, try adding cayenne peppers to your meal. “Cayenne peppers have been shown to reduce the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin which signals our brain to eat,” Dr. Naidoo states. “This helps us stay fuller for longer and eat less as we don’t feel so hungry.”

May support weight loss

Having less of an appetite will naturally lead to weight loss. Plus, cayenne pepper can reduce inflammation and burn excess fat. “Cayenne pepper helps to soothe inflammation (reducing bloating) and it may reduce your appetite,” says Dr. Axe. “It’s also known to help burn excess fat because it works as a metabolism booster.”

Provides pain relief

If you’re experiencing pain, use cayenne pepper topically. Look for ointments with ingredients cayenne or capsaicin. “When applied topically to areas of pain, cayenne pepper reduces the amount of substance P in the brain, which carries pain messages,” Dr. Axe states. “This allows the body to experience pain relief. For this reason, topical ointments made with cayenne or capsaicin are helpful for easing migraine or headache pain.”

Boosts metabolism

When we eat spicy foods we often feel the heat! “Eating cayenne pepper can help increase body temperature through a process called diet-induced thermogenesis, which leads to our bodies burning more calories,” Dr. Naidoo explains.

May lower blood pressure

Studies show eating foods that contain capsaicin, such as cayenne peppers, can have a positive impact on blood vessels, and subsequently, blood pressure. “A diet containing capsaicin (the active ingredient in cayenne pepper) helps relax blood vessels in a way that leads to lowered blood pressure,” Dr. Naidoo states.

Supports detoxification

Looking for a natural detox? Cayenne peppers works wonders when it comes to cleansing the body. “Cayenne pepper stimulates circulation and the elimination of acid in the body,” says Dr. Axe. “It helps to open the capillaries and supports the removal of bacteria and toxins from the blood.”

May reduce cancer risk

Research suggests that capsaicin can protect the body against cancer cell growth. “It can reduce the growth rate of cancer cells for many types of cancer as well as reduce the risk of the irregular cell growth associated with tumor growth,” says Dr. Naidoo

How to use cayenne pepper

Cayenne peppers are often used in cayenne powder, which can be a tasty seasoning to a variety of dishes. “Cayenne powder can be used to make: chili seasoning, hot sauce, BBQ rubs, taco seasoning, Bloody Mary mix, and more,” saysDr. William Li, MD and author of the New York Times bestseller, Eat To Beat Disease. “Use cayenne pepper to season your food,” Kimberly Pierpont, RDN, an outpatient dietician at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. “It adds a spicy heat that pairs well with meats, soups and vegetables.” Looking for a new recipe? Pierpont recommends pairing dark chocolate and cayenne pepper. It can also add flavor to simple meals and snacks like scrambled eggs, popcorn and mixed nuts. To promote detoxification, Dr. Axe suggests drinking a combination of cayenne pepper powder, fresh lemon juice and water.

Risks and side effects of cayenne pepper

If you’re new to spicy food, be careful starting off with cayenne peppers. It may be wise to work your way up when it comes to spiciness. “Some people are hyper-tasters and will find cayenne pepper too hot for their tastes. Eating large quantities of hot peppers can cause heartburn,” Dr. Li explains. “Avoid rubbing your eyes after touching cayenne pepper because they can cause severe eye irritation.” Cayenne peppers also may affect bleeding since it dilates blood vessels. If you’re on a blood thinner medication, you’ll want to be careful. “Cayenne pepper been shown to increase the risk of bleeding, specifically for those who are taking blood thinners due to its ability to dilate blood vessels,” says Dr. Naidoo. “If you do have inflammation in your esophagus, the discomfort may worsen when you eat spicy food.” The studies surrounding the correlation between spicy food and cancer have conflicting results, and should be taken with a grain of salt. “One study suggests that high spicy food intake may be associated with a higher risk of cancer but concluded that more research was warranted to conclude this causality.,” Dr. Naidoo states. “Yet another study in the American Institute for Cancer Research discovered that approximately 80% of prostate cancer cells in mice were killed by capsaicin. In fact, the tumors shrank to about one-fifth the size of untreated tumors.” Next, read up on how to save money on spices.


Molecules: “Capsaicin: Current Understanding of Its Mechanisms and Therapy of Pain and Other Pre-Clinical and Clinical Uses” Uma Naidoo, nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef, nutrition specialist, and author of the bestselling book This is Your Brain on FoodNC State University: “Capsicum annuum (Longum group)”Nutrition Data: “Spices, pepper, red or cayenne Nutrition Facts and Calories” William Li, internationally renowned medical doctor, researcher, Angiogenesis Foundation President/Founder and author of New York Times bestseller, Eat To Beat DiseaseCell Metabolism: “Activation of TRPV1 by dietary capsaicin improves endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation and prevents hypertension"Anticancer Research: “Anticancer Properties of Capsaicin Against Human Cancer"American Journal of Health System Pharmacy: “Potential Interactions Between Alternative Therapies and Warfarin"Digestive Diseases: “Gastroesophageal reflux in healthy subjects induced by two different species of chilli (Capsicum annum)“Chinese Medical Journal: “High Spicy Food Intake and Risk of Cancer: A Meta-analysis of Case–control Studies"Food Research International: “Three Reasons Why You Should Eat Spicy Foods”