You attempted to call Kyle out for lying in front of the rest of the group only to get challenged by him Turner and Alyssa. What was going through your head as that meeting carried out?I wasn’t necessarily trying to call Kyle out. But I already knew that he pushed a narrative in betraying me and he built a certain story. I was behind on time because I was trying to prolong putting that information out there. So what I really wanted to do was get my side of the story out there a little bit. I could tell once I did that, and the pushback I was getting, Kyle planted way too many seeds far before me.In the lead up to your eviction, you told Kyle, Turner, and Alyssa that Michael, Brittany, Taylor, and Monte would join up against them. What was your intention in that warning? And does this mean you would have stuck with the outside group had you survived eviction?This wasn’t necessarily a warning. This was information that they already knew. My point was in saying this is these are people they know I’m extremely close with. And I was hoping they would look at it as a chance to consider bringing me back in there to see if they could get information. But no, that does not necessarily mean I would have stuck with them in doing this. It was information that they already could imply they already knew. And they do have Kyle and Turner there, so having those two, they would have fed that information either way. I just thought emphasizing that these are my friends and they could capitalize on my relationships would help. But no, that does not mean I would have automatically stuck with them and betrayed the Leftovers that were still inside.You were one of the main voices behind creating the Leftovers alliance. How do you look back on it now given everything that has happened over the last five weeks?I wouldn’t have changed a thing. That twist was something obviously I could have never expected. But I should have noted a few more red flags of people who were joining from betraying alliances initially.You were constantly thinking about all sides of the house to the point where you wanted Taylor to nearly backdoor you last week to keep up appearances. In retrospect, did that strategy end up working out better or worse for your game?I think if Taylor put me up, that might have worked better. It would have deemphasized my relationship with them andhe concerns that Dyre Fest had with me going back inside, which were well placed.To finish, let’s get your rapid-fire thoughts on the remaining houseguest. Starting with Alyssa.Sweet and manipulative.Brittany.Calculated and stealthy.Kyle.Funny and emotional.Michael.Michael is perfect! (Laughs.) Just kidding. But he is definitely calculated, smart, and stealthy as well.Monte.Monte, my brother! (Laughs.) Well-driven, mature, calculated, and hilarious.Taylor.Perfect again! (Laughs.) Beautiful, independent, driven, smart, calculated, strategic. All of the above.Terrance.I would just say perseverence.Finally, Turner.Funny, chill, go with the flow.Next, check out our interview with Jasmine Davis, who was also evicted in Big Brother 24 Week 7.