If you’ve sought out low-sugar recipes that still satisfy a craving for something sweet, there’s a good chance you’ve seen Medjool dates listed on the ingredients list. The fruit is becoming increasingly popular in baked goods either blended up or transformed into a syrup. Medjool dates are a traditional crop in the Middle East and Northern Africa and are eaten fresh as well as dried. “As a Muslim dietitian, [I can share first-hand that] dates are a favored fruit in Islam. They are a key feature during Ramadan, to break the fast,” says registered dietitian Shahzadi Devje, RD.  Medjool dates have a natural, caramel-esque sweetness, making them the perfect substitute for white sugar. Dates are low-glycemic, which means they won’t spike blood sugar levels as much as white sugar does. And their nutritional benefits don’t stop there. According to registered dietitians, Medjool dates are full of health benefits and are especially good for the heart. Here, Devje along withAmy Gorin, MS, RDN, an inclusive plant-based dietitian and owner of Master the Media, share the benefits of dates and give tips for incorporating them more into your diet.

8 Health benefits of Medjool dates

1. They’re sweet but don’t spike blood sugar

As previously mentioned, Medjool dates are sweet while also being low-glycemic. “Dates are naturally sweet and are a great way to reduce or eliminate the need for added sugar in recipes like smoothies, energy bars, and even brownies,” Gorin says, adding that it’s especially important for people with type two diabetes or at risk for heart disease to be mindful of their added sugar intake. Because of this, Gorin likes to incorporate Medjool dates into any snack that can use a bit of sweetness. “In baking, they perform very similarly to prunes and so can be substituted in many such recipes,” she says. If you do plan on using Medjool dates in this way, Gorin recommends buying ones that are pitted.

2. Medjool dates are good for gut health

One serving of dates has more than 6 grams of fiber, making them a great gut-healthy snack. “Dietary fiber is important because it helps maintain a healthy digestive system,” Devje says. “A high fiber diet has also been linked to other health benefits, including a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.” Gorin adds that the fiber in Medjool dates also makes them satiating. In other words, they’ll fill you up more than a less nutritious snack will. “This makes them a great snack in terms of weight management,” she says.

3. They’re good for your heart

Both experts say that regularly eating Medjool dates can directly benefit heart health, an important point since cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S. Scientific studies have shown that incorporating Medjool dates into your diet can help prevent cholesterol levels from rising and also help lower the risk of heart disease. There are several reasons for this, including the high-fiber content as well as being high in antioxidants.

4. Medjool dates are full of potassium

Bananas tend to hog the spotlight when it comes to potassium, but Devje says that Medjool dates are another great source of the nutrient, with about 700 milligrams per serving—which is actually more than in a banana. “Potassium is one of the most abundant minerals, or electrolytes, in cells,” she says. “It is important for various body functions, including muscle contractions, nerve impulses, heart function, and blood pressure regulation.” That means that snacking on Medjool dates will benefit your entire body and is especially beneficial for athletes who put their muscles to the test.

5. They provide a quick source of energy

Devje says that another reason why Medjool dates are an especially good snack for athletes is that their natural sugar helps provide a quick burst of energy. This can also come in handy when you need a snack to help power through a mid-day slump. The fiber in the dates also helps prevent a crash, another perk to having them on hand as an energy-boosting snack.

6. They help protect against chronic inflammation

As with all fruits, Devje points out that Medjool dates are high in antioxidants. “This means that they help protect the body from harmful free radicals and chronic diseases,” she says. Regularly consuming foods high in antioxidants is yet another reason why they’re a heart-healthy snack. Foods high in antioxidants are also connected to benefitting the brain, helping protect against neurodegenerative diseases.

7. Medjool dates contain magnesium

Gorin says that another important nutrient Medjool dates contain is magnesium, with 54 milligrams per serving. Magnesium is important for muscle function and is also connected to good sleep. That means having Medjool dates for dessert just might help you sleep better.

8. Snacking on dates may improve your mood

Snacking on Medjool dates can also contribute to a mood boost due to its magnesium and B vitamins content. Since Medjool dates also help keep blood sugar levels steady, this also contributes to feeling more balanced, since blood sugar levels directly affect energy and mood.

Tips for buying, storing, and eating Medjool dates

Medjool dates can be enjoyed as is, either fresh or dried. As Gorin pointed out, they can also be incorporated into anything that can benefit from some sweetness, like a smoothie or dessert recipe. “When Medjool dates are pureed or mashed into a paste, they can be added to many different types of baked goods,” says Devje. “Medjool dates are also used as natural sweeteners in baking or to replace other ingredients such as white sugar, brown sugar, or honey.” If you’re buying fresh Medjool dates, Devje says they should be soft and come apart easily when squeezed, but they shouldn’t be too squishy or mushy. “Plump and glossy is the way to go! Wrinkles are acceptable—but not overly firm,” she says. She also adds that sugar crystals on Medjool dates are a natural part of the ripening process. “At times sugar crystals can be confused for mold, but Medjool dates are fine to eat regardless of the presence of crystals,” she says. When it comes to storing your dates, Gorin says they should be kept in an airtight container in the fridge. “When stored correctly, they can last for up to six months,” she says, adding that you can also freeze dates to make them last even longer. Clearly, this is one sweet snack that comes with major nutritional perks. It certainly gives a whole new meaning to saving the date. Next up, see 20 more high-fiber foods that benefit the body in many different ways.


Shahzadi Devje, RD, registered dietitianAmy Gorin, MS, RDN, inclusive plant-based registered dietitian and owner of Master the Media 8 Health Benefits of Medjool Dates  According to Nutritionists  - 38