It’s appropriate that Himalayan pink salt has a soft glow to it as many in the wellness world have given it a health halo. Himalayan pink salt is considerably more expensive than table salt, too, so it really worth paying extra for? Is salt—any type of salt—even healthy at all? As registered dietitians explain here, salt in any form shouldn’t be demonized; there are benefits to it. And if you go for Himalayan pink salt, you’ll be getting the maximum benefits possible. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

The Difference Between Himalayan Pink Salt, Sea Salt, and Table Salt

Registered dietitian Theresa Shank, RD, says that the difference between regular old table salt, sea salt, and Himalayan pink salt is the nutrient makeup. “Table salt is typically heavily processed, which eliminates the natural occurring beneficial materials found in sea salt, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, and zinc,” she says. “On the contrary, sea salt lacks one mineral that table salt has and that’s iodine.” Shank explains that not getting enough iodine can lead to the dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which in turn can lead to hormone dysfunction. “In some individuals this can lead to weight gain, thinning hair, dry skin, feeling cold all the time, constipation, and fatigue,” she says, adding that that iodine is in foods such as seaweed and fish, not just table salt. So that’s the difference between table salt and sea salt. What about Himalayan pink salt? “Pink Himalayan sea salt is a type of salt from the foothills of the Himalayas. It is similar to regular sea salt and table salt in terms of sodium content, but it is richer in minerals, which makes it taste different compared to other salts like regular sea salt or table salt,” explains Sara Gottfried, MD, a board-certified physician who graduated from Harvard and MIT and the author of Women, Food, and Hormones. She says that some people find Himalayan pink salt to taste saltier than other types of salt, requiring less amounts of it for seasoning. It also has many benefits, outlined below.

Himalayan Pink Salt Benefits

Here are 8 benefits of Himalayan pink salt:

1. It has more concentrated amounts of potassium

Dr. Gottfried says that Himalayan pink salt has three times the amount of potassium than table salt. Potassium helps the body maintain normal fluid levels outside of the cells and is also important for regulating blood pressure.

2. Himalayan pink salt is higher in iron

Another nutrient Dr. Gottfried says Himalayan pink salt is high in is iron, again with three times the amount as table salt. Iron is another key nutrient for cardiovascular health. Without it, oxygen doesn’t flow through the body properly and this can lead to fatigue as well as more serious health issues.

3. It’s much higher in magnesium

“Himalayan pink salt has 100 times more magnesium than table salt,” Dr. Gottfried says. Magnesium can help with sore muscle pain, which is one reason why many athletes add Himalayan pink salt to their bath.

4. It contains iodine

Similar to sea salt, Shank says that Himalayan pink salt also contains an important mineral called iodine. As she pointed out earlier, not getting enough iodine can disrupt hormone function and can lead to health issues including weight gain, thinning hair, dry skin, feeling cold all the time, constipation, and fatigue.

5. It could help improve respiratory issues

Himalayan pink salt has been found to help people with asthma and other respiratory issues. Some people even go to Himalayan salt rooms for this very reason, a treatment called halotherapy.

6. It’s good for your skin

7. It supports cardiovascular health, when used in moderation

Salt in general has gotten a bad wrap because of the sodium, but both dietitians say that sodium plays an important role in the body (in moderation, of course). “Sodium regulates blood flow, regulates blood pressure, helps conduct nerve impulses, and also promotes the release of an antidiuretic hormone called vasopressin, which helps you sleep through the night and increases the absorption of certain nutrients through our gut,” Shank says. Of course too much sodium can have a negative effect on health, which is why it’s recommended to cap daily intake at 2,300 milligrams a day. Himalayan pink salt is slightly lower in sodium than table salt; a good way to get the benefits (and a salty taste) without going overboard. Just remember that moderation comes into play with Himalayan pink salt too, just like with table salt.

8. It doesn’t contain artificial ingredients

“Himalayan pink salt is unrefined meaning it does not contain additives or artificial ingredients, whereas table salt is heavily refined and usually mixed with anti-caking chemicals to prevent clumping, such as sodium aluminosilicate or magnesium carbonate,” says Dr. Gottfried. So if you are prioritizing minimally processed foods, it’s a great one to use for cooking and seasoning. With all of these benefits, it’s clear why Himalayan pink salt has earned its health halo. But Shank says it’s still important to think about sodium intake overall—no matter what salt you’re cooking with. “My concern is not so much with the use of table salt over Himalayan salt or vice versa. My concern is the excessive use of processed salt that food corporations use in their products to make them highly palatable and crave worthy,” she says. To her point, it’s important to be aware of the sodium in the foods you eat and not solely focus on how much salt you’re consuming. “Instead of hyperfocusing on which salt to use to add flavor and support your health, shift your focus to herbs and spices when wanting to enhance the flavor of your meals,” Shank says. After all, salt it just one of many spices you likely have in your pantry. It’s certainly not the only way to add flavor. As long as you consume Himalayan pink salt moderately, you’ll experience the benefits without consuming too much sodium. Just like with most things in life, it’s all about balance. Next up, find out if Himalayan salt lamps are worth the hype.


Theresa Shank, RD, registered dietitianSara Gottfried, MD, board-certified physician who graduated from Harvard and MIT and the author of Women, Food, and Hormones 8 Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt - 50