Of course, good service is the best way to earn tips. However, a tip jar is often a good idea to give a visible reminder that tips are appreciated. This can be especially important for services such as entertainment, coffee shops or other counter services. When you do set out a tip jar, a catchy saying is a good way to grab attention and possibly get more contributions. Many tip jar sayings are generic enough to work for any type of service that you or your company provide. Some of the best messages have a bit of humor to them which usually appeals to most people. If you are having trouble coming up with a good saying for your tip jar, don’t worry! We have come up with a list of some of the most effective tip jar ideas that will grab the attention of your customers.  One fun tactic to take with a tip jar is to come up with a survey-type set of jars. For instance, you could set out two jars with a comparison question like, “Who’s a better tipper, women or men?” This can be a really fun way to get people to cast (or cash) their votes with their money. Ready to make some extra $$? Here is our list of the 30 best tip jar sayings!

30 Best Tip Jar Ideas

  1. If you fear change, leave it here!
  2. Tips speak louder than words.
  3. Money talks.
  4. Flattery is nice but tips will suffice. 5. Money is the root of all evil. Cleanse yourself.
  5. Donate to our therapy fund.
  6. Clean out your wallet here.
  7. Show us some love.

Cute Tip Jar Sayings

  1. Drop it like it’s hot.
  2. Roses are red, violets are blue, keeping me fed, is what you can do.
  3. Help keep the volume down. Insert paper instead of coins.
  4. Support our hobby of coin collecting.
  5. Tipping: It’s the way of the Jedi….May the funds be with you. 14. Who’s a better tipper—women or men? (Have two jars)
  6. It’s better to give than to receive.
  7. My puppy needs money for toys.

Funny Tip Jar Sayings

  1. Family kidnapped by Ninjas, need $$$ for karate lessons.
  2. Progress is impossible without change.
  3. Lighten your purse.
  4. Feeling Tipsy?
  5. On a scale of $1-$10, how attractive are you?
  6. Drink responsibly, tip recklessly.
  7. Tips can buy love.
  8. Anything helps.
  9. All complaints must be written on bills $1.00 or larger.
  10. Go fund me.
  11. An investment in tips pays the best interest. 28. Add your two cents (and more!).
  12. Would you like to donate to charity? I am the charity.
  13. Cash ya later! Next Up: To Tip or Not to Tip: A Family’s Guide to Gratuities on Vacation