Offer a fresh slice of perfectly ripe mango to just about anyone and chances are they won’t need much convincing to respond with an emphatic “yes,” closely followed by a request for more. But the fact that indulging in one of Mother Nature’s sweetest fruits does your body good only makes it taste better—because the truth is that mango benefits are plentiful.  Mango, as it happens, is full of nutrients ranging from vitamins B and C, minerals like magnesium and potassium, and fiber—all the makings of a nourishing side, snack, or treat, according to Keri Glassman MS, RDN and Founder of Nutritious Life. Here are even more reasons to eat all the mango all summer long!

Health Benefits of Mango

Here are the top mango benefits:

1. It boosts your immune system

Mango’s high vitamin C content serves up about two-thirds of the amount your body needs every day per every one-cup serving, Glassman says. The vitamin acts as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, also known as “bad” atoms that can otherwise damage your cells. Phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, gallic acid, and kaempferol also fight the good fight, she says—all the better for decreasing the duration and severity of the common cold and reducing oxidative stress that contributes to inflammation, resulting in chronic disease.

2. Mango supports healthy digestion

Skimp on fiber or water, and you could encounter the gas and bloating that are hallmarks of constipation (fun times). But mango serves up both fiber—2.6 grams per cup—and fluid (its pulp is nearly 84% water) to keep everything moving, Glassman says. In fact, in a 2018 study in which researchers looked at the digestive benefits of eating 300 grams (approximately two cups) of mango per day for four weeks, participants who’d previously suffered from chronic constipation reported significant improvements in stool frequency, consistency, and shape by the end of the study—it’s science! What’s more, research suggests that mango actually improves the bacterial composition of the gut, which decreases inflammation and improves symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.

3. Mango may help slow aging

Free radical damage that runs amuck contributes to aging—including wrinkles, warns Glassman. But the antioxidants and phytochemicals found in mangos can help protect against oxidation and sun damage to slow the natural aging processes down when the dose is just right. The evidence is in the science: In a randomized study in which researchers compared facial photographs captured at zero, eight, and 16 weeks, deep wrinkle severity decreased significantly among participants who consumed 85 grams (about half a cup) of mango per day. Because wrinkles seemed to worsen a smidge with a daily intake of 250 grams (about a cup and a half), more research is needed. However,there’s no question about it—mango’s merits still make it a worthwhile staple in fruit salads, skewers, and sandwiches (or eaten straight up). Mango season is May through September, so it’s officially time to stock up on that juicy, sweet fruit. As a nice bonus, you can feel great about enjoying it all summer long—because hey, it’s good for you! Next up: 5 Health Benefits of Dates


Keri Glassman MS, RDN and Founder of Nutritious Life 3 Best Health Benefits of Mango - 49