This list of 200 questions for couples—from couple questions about each partner’s childhood to couple questions about relationships and future goals—will help you learn more about your partner and you two as a couple, all the while strengthening your relationship. Or, if you feel like as a couple you’ve already exhausted every imaginable couple question, we’re here to give you 200 more conversation starters and questions to dive deeper with your partner than you have before. These questions for couples will allow you both to be vulnerable as you begin to open up with each other. You’ll surely leave the conversation with a feeling of deeper intimacy and an even stronger connection to your significant other. So, join us in pouring a glass of wine as you change up your next date night.

Getting-to-Know-You Questions for Couples

What’s something about me that turns you on quickly? What’s the strangest thing you have ever done in your life? What makes you hate a person? Would you rather lose a toe or have another date with your worst ex? What’s the craziest job you’d be willing to take? What aspect of yourself would you improve if you had the chance? How’s your weekend so far? Have you ever won an award for sports? Out of the four seasons, which one is your most favorite? What is one person’s habit that you find disgusting? Are you willing to take risks to fight for our relationship? How do you want to be remembered? For the past five years, what have you been most thankful for? What flavor of ice cream do you like: chocolate or vanilla? What one quality or skill would you benefit if you could wake up tomorrow with it? What has been the most daring thing you’ve done so far? What are some of your healthy and unhealthy habits? What is your favorite memory of a person who is no longer in your life? How do you like to spend a rainy afternoon? When do you feel the most secure and taken care of? What are your thoughts on transparency between couples? How do you define cheating? To you, what constitutes a successful relationship? What’s a romantic vacation like for you? What criteria do you search for in finding new friends? Do you believe that good parenting is important in today’s world? What do you believe is the most important factor in making a relationship last? What has been the weirdest food you’ve eaten? What opportunities did you miss out on in life? When you look at a man or woman, what is the first thing that comes to mind? What movie would you recommend for us to watch when we’re relaxing? Would you try long-distance if anything happened that required me to move far from here? What type of cologne/perfume do you prefer on a man/woman? Do you consider yourself to be a forgiver? Have you ever dated someone who is older than you? Have you ever been on a blind date? What activities would you like to do for our next date? Do you still believe in love at first sight? Do you believe that how long you’ve known someone influences whether or not you’re in love with them? Are you someone who forgets people’s names easily? What was your relationship like with your parents? What is the ideal number of phone calls that a couple should make every day? What part of your life do love and affection play? What is the biggest accomplishment you have? Are there any people you’d like to get closer to, from friends to relatives? Do you have any addiction? What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to learn? Which would you like to know: when you’ll die or how you’ll die? What smartphone app do you mostly use? How many true best friends do you have?

Relationship Questions for Couples

What kind of physical touch best expresses your feelings for me? What kind of gift do you want from me? What if I made more money than you? How would you feel? If you could change one thing about me, what do you think would it be? Do you still hide secrets from me? What do you love most about our relationship? How do you feel when I’m giving you your favorite flowers? What about our work could become a recurring problem? What climate do you think is best for establishing a permanent residence? What song do you want me to sing for you? Is building a family important to you? What’s one secret you never told anyone except your best friend? What are the three things we have in common? How do you actually feel whenever I hug you? Do you feel any pressure right now? In our relationship, in which situations do you feel the most secure? What if we can’t agree on something important that both of us are involved in? What’s one question you never really asked me? What would you do if we had the opportunity to change jobs tomorrow? What’s the perfect advice you could give me right now? Have you enjoyed meeting new friends as a child? How would you describe your day? What would you do with or for me that you haven’t been able to do in previous relationships? What percentage of your money are you willing to invest rather than save? What is something you feel our relationship is lacking? What are the few things you’re most grateful for? Even if it’s for me, can you name one thing you can’t give up? What do you think will ruin this relationship? What was the first thing that came to mind when you noticed me? Can you change your whole self just for me? What does a perfect date night look like to you? What is the most memorable part you have of our first kiss? What is that certain thing about me that annoys you? If you knew today will be our last, how would you like us to spend it? What outfit of mine do you think best fits me? What are the things I can learn from you? What memories do you want us to recreate together? Do you want to know anything about my past relationship/s? Do you think money can bring us happiness? What was the last thing I did that totally impressed you? If someone tries to break us apart, what would you do? Do you think we’re really meant for each other? How do you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day? If you could describe our relationship in three words, what would it be? Do I make you feel like you’re still my priority while we’re with my family? Do you think there are “traditional” male and female roles in relationships? Did you ever cry in front of a huge crowd? If you had a second life, how would you live your first? What extreme adventures would you like to try with me? What song would you play to sum up your life so far?

Questions for Couples About Their Childhood

In what street did you grow up? Who were you closest to growing up: your mom or your dad? As a kid, would you rather play alone at home or play outside with friends? Which Disney character was your most favorite? What was your dream job as a child? What was your go-to TV series when you were a kid? What was your favorite toy? Did you also hate the smell of playdough while you were playing? What is your most favorite memory with your dad? What is your most favorite memory with your mom? Did your mom read you a book before going to sleep? What has been your favorite family tradition as a child? What would you change about the way you were raised if you could? What’s the best birthday party you had when you were a child? When you needed to talk to one of your parents, who did you go to? What was your favorite color when you were a kid? Do you keep in touch with friends from your childhood? What memory from your childhood would you like to relive right now? Were you spoiled as a kid? What’s one wish you could tell your child self about life? What’s your childhood’s most terrible memory? What was your favorite board game as a child? Did you cry when you don’t get the things/toys you wanted? What’s your most favorite childhood memory? What was your favorite subject when you were a kid? What was your least favorite subject when you were a kid? What was your biggest fear as a child? Did you also hate vegetables like how other kids did? When you were a child, who were you most jealous of? In your classroom, how do you use innovation and creative thinking on a regular basis as a kid? How much was your daily allowance? Who do you admire the most as a child? Who was your favorite teacher? Why? Have you ever heard any interesting stories about what happened before or shortly after your birth? Did you believe that Santa Claus was a real person? Was your room filled with toys? Can you tell me any of the sayings, phrases, or advice you learned at home as a kid? Who said those things? Can you recall certain sounds or smells from your childhood? Did anyone ever tell you who was present when you were born? If so, who were they? Did you have your own room or you shared a room with a family member? What was your first family car? Were there any special items in your house that you still remember? Who was your first celebrity crush when you were a kid? How did you usually spend your summer breaks? What kind of rules did your family have when you were a kid? Can you describe a childhood event that made you feel anxious or scared? At the family dinner table, were there any topics that were off-limits? What was the greatest gift you’ve ever received as a child? Were your parents strict? What was your ugliest nickname when you were a kid?

Questions for Couples About Their Future Goals and Dreams

What age is the perfect one for us to have kids? What forms of punishment would you use to correct the actions of a child or a teenager? How do you see our future as a couple, both separately and collectively? What dream job of yours do you still want to achieve in the future? Where exactly is your dream vacation? In five to ten years, where do you see yourself? Do you want to be a really famous person someday? What would you say to your future self if you could write a letter or record a video? How do you want our future house to look like? What age do you plan to retire? Are you willing to retire just to take care of our kids? Where do you want us to get married? What’s your dream proposal like? Where do you want us to have our honeymoon? Do you still want to be with me 100 years after? What would you like to know if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or something else? What are the skills that you want to learn in the future? What is your most important objective for the next five years? Should we adopt if we are unable to have children? What do you think I’ll need in the future? Is there anything from your past that could cause us problems in the future? What can we do now to get ready to live in the same city in the future? Which do you prefer: to have a big family or a small one? Do you want us to have a joint bank account after getting married? What gender do you want our first child to have? What would you name our child if she came out as a girl? What would you name our child if he came out as a boy? How many children would you like to have in the future? What are the things you do not want to be part of our future? What are really your financial goals? What would you want me to do in the future to spice up our marriage and make it more fun and exciting? Which one should we buy first after getting married: a house or a car? Are you excited to wake up with me every day for the rest of your life? Could our difference be the source of conflict in the near future? Is there anything about the future you think I want, but you’re not quite sure about? What are your greatest fears about the future? What are the top five wishes you want us to achieve in the future? In the future, how will we communicate about money? Who will be the one to manage our bills in the future? Would you rather live in a city, in the country, or near the beach? Do you anticipate maintaining your single lifestyle after we get married in the future? What are the top three countries we would immediately visit after getting married? Do you want us to be crazy rich or just live a simple life? In the future, can you still handle me when I’m not my usual self? When do you want us to get married? Do you think we’ll still be able to keep this kind of love as years pass by? What’s your dream car? Which one would you put first in the future: your kids’ wants or your needs? Do you want to change your job after having kids? Would you give me a second chance if I did something terribly wrong in the future? Check out…250 Deep Questions50 Questions to Ask a Guy or Girl Over Text65 First Date Ideas250 Questions to Ask a Guy250 Conversation Starters

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