Date night can be just about anything, as long as it’s done with intention. Maybe you’ve been busy and a night in sounds great. Or maybe you’re wanting to learn a new hobby or take a new class, and it might be fun to do it together! Find yourself just the right adventure, and get it on the calendar (don’t forget to book a babysitter if needed!). When considering your options, consider the things you both like—maybe books or food or exercise. If it’s been forever since you’ve seen another couple you’re friends with, invite them to join in. Talk it over. Use this list of 150+ date night options to get the conversation going. Hey, eliminating things you most certainly do not want to do will also be helpful! Remember the most important thing is being together, and doing those things that make you the unique couple you are. Here are 150+ evenings out just for you. Have fun!

150+ Date Night Ideas

1. Go hear a local band

It’s amazing the talent that goes undiscovered, and they might be in your local pub.

2. Visit a farmer’s market

This might be seasonal in your area, but it’s becoming common to find these year-round, and for extended hours. What a great way to learn what foods are actually in season.

3. Take a cooking class

While skill levels can vary here, the best part about a cooking class is you get to eat what you make. Then, practice some more at home.

4. Attend a wine or distillery tasting

Again, get a taste of the local flavor right in your neighborhood. These shops always have a good story, so if you happen to stop in on a slow day, get them talking.

5. Hang out at a bookstore

It’s something everyone can enjoy, as the variety of books and magazines is endless. Bonus if there’s a cafe inside.

6. Watch a movie at a drive-in

Check social media or do an Internet search to find the drive-in closest to you. Maybe something scary so you can snuggle in the front seat?

7. Be traditional—go out for dinner and a movie

This never really gets old. Pick a favorite place, see what’s showing and enjoy the quality time.

8. Find a movie to watch at home

When you throw in popcorn and your favorite blanket, and thousands of movies available for streaming, this is not a bad option at all.

9. Take a hike

Find a nature trail near you, maybe at a state park. Trails are beautiful in any season, especially before the sun goes down.

10. Visit a local food truck

What a fun idea, especially if you live somewhere that offers a variety of food trucks. So many options!

11. Have a picnic in the park

Another classic. Grab a blanket or quilt, bring a book or some music along, and spend a few hours munching and chilling.

12. Plan a meal and grocery shop for the ingredients together

OK, maybe this sounds way too routine, but if you both select the food, and work on it together, it might just feel a little less like work.

13. Spend a few hours at a local library

Again, all that variety. Find a comfy chair with a view, and read beside one another. Depending on their hours, this might be an early date night, but you’ll have time to grab a bite after!

14. Tour a museum

Oftentimes, there are touring exhibits, but I find that either way, every time I go to a museum, I learn something new.

15. Go play pool or throw darts at a local bar

A little bit of friendly competition never hurt anyone. Plus, bar food.

16. Go out for ice cream

Select your own favorite flavors, or if you’re feeling very romantic, split a banana split.

17. Take dance lessons

We all have some creative moves inside of us, so put those moves to some rhythm.

18. Sign up for a self-defense class

Everyone could benefit from learning how to protect themselves, and doing it together means you can support each other in learning these new skills!

19. Hang out at a local coffee shop

There’s nothing quite like a coffee shop vibe. Order your favorite hot drink, and sit to talk for hours. Put your phones down! Take a deck of cards and a cribbage board; they won’t mind.

20. Sing karaoke together

But I can’t sing, you say? All the more reason. Karaoke is fun, no matter your singing ability.

21. Window shop downtown

Window displays are always a delight. Slow things down, take a stroll and maybe buy some things you didn’t even know you needed.

22. Shop at the mall

The mall offers some of the best people-watching around, plus all those clearance racks.

23. Plan a trip to see extended family members

Talk it out. Who’s someone you wished you could see more often? Make it a point to schedule a visit.

24. Try a new ethnic food at a local restaurant

This can really be on the adventurous side if you’re up for trying something you’ve never had. Ask the server for the most popular items, and enjoy!

25. Go on a bike ride

There’s nothing quite like the wind in your hair as you coast down a hill (but not too steep). Enjoy Mother Nature from the seat of your bike. Rent a tandem for a unique experience.

26. Road trip without a planned destination in mind

This just screams spontaneous. Who knows where you’ll end up, but with navigation, you’ll never get lost.

27. Play a round of golf

Golf courses really do have some of the prettiest landscaping around. Bonus to ride around in a golf cart. Oh, and of course, the actual golfing.

28. Relive your youth and go roller skating

That is, if you’re pretty confident you won’t damage anything too much when you fall. We fall differently as we get older.

29. In the winter, go sledding or skiing

Who says these winter sports have to be just for kids? Bundle up and enjoy the snow.

30. In the summer, take a boat ride

There’s just something about being on the water. Feel the wind on your face and let yourself relax.

31. In the fall, visit a pumpkin patch or pick apples

When it’s fall, do the fall things. It’s a magical time of year, and both of these activities are guaranteed to get you in the fall spirit.

32. In the spring, tour a flower garden

So much beauty. The first daffodils and tulips (in my area) totally make my day. Take time to smell the flowers.

33. Listen to an audiobook or podcast

It’s fun to listen, and the conversation afterward can really connect you. 

34. Learn a new board game

Ask your friends on social media what they’re enjoying. It can take a while to learn a new game, but it’s always worth it.

35. Find another couple to play cards with

Whether you’re learning a new game, or playing a game you’ve all played for years, it’s a great night of visiting and competing. Don’t be a sore loser!

36. Paint a picture or pieces of pottery, or stencil a board together

There are a number of storefronts offering painting opportunities. What a fun thing to do together!

37. Make a playlist of your favorite songs

Every couple has certain songs that take them back in time. What tunes make up your playlist?

38. Plant a garden together

A relaxing after-work activity! Maybe start small if it’s your first time growing fruits or vegetables, but it’s definitely a fruitful hobby.

39. Go camping

Whether you choose a tent, a camper or a cabin, this is a great way to get away from it all.

It’s such a great way to spend a late afternoon, browsing the creative abilities of artists.

41. Read a book out loud to one another

This requires a bit of a time commitment, but it’s a good way to read a classic or thicker book you might not finish on your own.

42. Learn a foreign language together

Grab a book or online app, and spend a few minutes each day learning another language. It’s easier together because you can help each other practice.

43. Make a bucket list of places to visit

Maybe you want to go back to a place, or there’s somewhere you’ve always dreamed of. Talk about it and make a combined list.

44. Join a gym together

Few things can be as rewarding as having one another’s support in making healthier choices. What activities would you enjoy doing together?

45. Play games that help you get to know one another better (ie. Three Truths and a Lie)

A quick internet search can give you all kinds of ideas for this. Search “icebreakers” or “getting to know someone.”

46. Attend a concert

Find a venue you enjoy, and see who’s playing in the next few months. It can be a big name or a local talent.

47. Visit an amusement park or carnival together

Rides, people watching, carnival games and food booths. What a fun day!

48. Go bird watching

Invest in some nice binoculars and see what unique birds you can find. There are lots of resources to help you learn more about the birds you see.

49. Take a yoga class

What a relaxing activity, but beware, you’ll likely be sore the next day.

50. Go bowling

This doesn’t have to be ultra-competitive, although it might be. Bowling is a fun sport for any skill level.

51. See a professional sports game

“Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks.” Pick your favorite team and go watch them in person.

52. Attend an arts or sports event at a local college

Whether it’s a major university or a smaller, community college, there are always some great events to attend.

53. See a live comedian

Nothing relieves stress like humor. Make a night of it, and find a show in your area.

54. Host a game night

Maybe you want to stay in, but having people over sounds fun. Tell everyone to bring their favorite group game, and play host.

55. Make a campfire and serve up s’mores

This can be in a fireplace or out in the backyard. Get creative with a S’mores station, including graham crackers, shortbread cookies, a variety of chocolates, and different flavors and shapes of marshmallows.

56. Build a snowman

Anna from Frozen gives us the idea, and we like it. Wait for some snow on the ground, then head outside to make your own unique snowman.

57. Visit a local beach

Olaf from Frozen prefers this. Really, though, no matter what season, beaches are great for relaxing and exploring, especially when there’s less people around.

58. Stay in a bed and breakfast or hotel overnight

Let someone else pamper you for a change. Bring along a book or some playing cards, and settle into a B&B for a night.

59. Play miniature golf

This is a great activity for all ages and skill levels. Plus some really unique designs.

60. Hop on the internet and plan a trip

Even before you take the trip, planning can feel like a date activity as well. 

61. Use a roll of quarters at a video arcade

There are bound to be some memories that come up with this one. See what games there are from your childhood, and what’s new.

62. Spend a Saturday at an indoor entertainment venue

A couple can go through obstacle courses, play arcade games or drive go-karts, among other activities. 

63. Spend a day at the racetrack

Whether cars, dogs or horses, all are exciting spectator sports.

64. Visit your local zoo

Do this almost any time of year. Sometimes the cooler weather means animals will be more active.

65. Attend a new church service

Find a church that worships differently than yours, or observes a day on the church calendar that your church doesn’t. It’s a good way to learn something new, and many of them offer an evening service during the week!

66. Rent a car for a Sunday drive

Rental cars aren’t just for vacations. Maybe rent a convertible on a gorgeous spring day.

67. Try an escape room

These are popping up everywhere. It’s a live-action game where there’s a certain theme and storyline. The players have to solve clues in order to break out.

68. Bake cookies, brownies or a cake together

Get as creative as you want to with this one. Then, pour a glass of cold milk and satisfy your sweet tooth.

69. Go fishing

This one does require a license, so a bit of planning ahead of time. It’s a relaxing way to spend the late afternoon!

70. Take a photo tour of your town

We see things differently when we slow down enough to take pictures. What’s unique about your town?

71. Volunteer together

Decide on a cause that is near and dear to both of you, and find a way to support it together. 

72. Hang out at a local music store, trying out instruments

You might end up making some new friends this way. Some music stores encourage patrons to try out the instruments. Make some music!

73. Walk around a local cemetery

What a good place to learn some local history, and get a feel for community. They’re often well-maintained too, so appreciate the grounds.

74. Try out some new drink recipes

What’s your flavor? It can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic, dry or sweet, hot or cold. 

75. Get dessert at a local bakery

The talents of a local pastry chef will blow your mind and please your palate.

76. Get a couple’s massage

Few things are more relaxing than a massage. Why not make sure you both get good and relaxed?

76. Take a float trip down a local river

It’s a perfect way to spend a hot summer evening. Pack a basket of food and drinks for the trip.

77. Organize a trivia night team

Be strategic, and select friends who can help with a variety of categories. See what fun facts you know collectively.

78. Recreate your first date

Romantic, right? What did you do for date #1? Can you recreate it, or come close?

79. Watch the sunset

Grab a camera for this one, because the colors might just wow you.

80. Read a newspaper together, sharing fun facts

When was the last time you read an actual newspaper? Sit down together and share what you learn.

81. Go horseback riding

Happy trails to you! It’s a fun way to get out in nature.

82. Build your own charcuterie plate

Using a board or platter, assemble an assortment of meats, cheeses, fruits, nuts and other munchies.

83. Plan a progressive dinner night

This can be from home to home in the neighborhood, or a few restaurants nearby. Have appetizers at one place, the main course at another location and dessert somewhere else still.

84. Go thrifting

Who knows what you’ll find? It’s easy to spend hours in a thrift shop, so clear that calendar.

85. Visit a greenhouse to plan for spring planting

Whether it’s seeds or starter plants, decide what you might plant in your yard. There are different planting seasons, so make sure you consult with a greenhouse worker.

86. Have a star named after the other person, and then look for it in the night sky

Did you know you can do this? Then, imagine finding that particular star one night!

87. Explore a town near you

While it’s fun to look around in your own town, there might be new adventures to be had in nearby towns. What’s somewhere you’ve been meaning to check out?

88. Try a new hobby together

Decide on something you’ve been wanting to learn about, and invest in something new. 

89. Attend a concert at an opera house or symphony hall

Add some culture to your life. These concerts often mix in familiar show tunes or classics as well, so select the one you’d like most.

90. Watch a ballet

Along the same lines, it might be a well-known performance or something new from a choreographer nearby.

91. Find a local poetry night

Who knows what hidden talent you might discover? Maybe you are the hidden talent.

92. Get matching tattoos

If you’re of legal age, and you both approve. Make sure the artist comes well-recommended.

93. Write letters to one another

What we say when writing can be different than what we say when we’re talking. Write out your feelings and share them.

94. Binge-watch a movie series

Lots of movies have prequels and sequels. Find one you’d like to see, and veg for several hours.

95. Find a new TV show to watch

Streaming has made this a popular pastime. What’s the next TV program you’d like to lose yourself in?

96. Host a murder mystery night

Get your friends and family involved. You can find scripts and plans for nights like this online.

97. Throw a tea party for the kids in your neighborhood

It’s a sweet way to involve the kids in your neighborhood. Have them bring a favorite tea flavor and serve up scones.

98. Read by candlelight

Maybe large print for this one, unless you’re young enough to have good eyesight still. Or you can cheat a little, and use your paperwhite electronic device.

99. Look at old photo albums

What a trip this would be. Do you have the same memories of an event, or are there variations?

100. Work a jigsaw puzzle

Depending on the size of the puzzle, you might want to set aside a few hours at a time to work on the puzzle. It’s not likely you’ll finish in one session.

101. Play Bingo

Sometimes restaurants offer this throughout the week, or a community hall. Try your luck at Bingo.

102. Visit a local animal shelter

It might mean you take a lovable pet home, but maybe not. Either way, stop into a local shelter (call to make sure they allow visitors first) and keep some lonely animals company.

103. Spend a few hours at a trampoline center

Feeling stressed? Jump it out. These centers are actually a great workout.

104. Hit the batting cages or a driving range

It’s a good way to get some physical exercise in any weather (especially if they’re indoors) and improve your game.

105. Grill out and invite the neighbors over

B.Y.O.M (bring your own meat) or have the guests bring sides. Host a neighborhood BBQ.

106. Make your own wine or brew your own beer

Buy a kit or look up a recipe online, and be your own sommelier or brewmaster.

107. Learn how to make kombucha tea

Or maybe a sweet-and-sour drink made with tea is more your flavor? Recipes abound for this probiotic treat.

108. Go puddle splashing on a rainy evening

Wear rain gear, or not. Who can make the biggest splash?

109. Host a potluck

There are websites that make potluck sign-up so easy. Have guests bring a variety of dishes and enjoy one another’s company.

110. Rent a tandem bike

This is a good way to learn how coordinated you are together. They even make recumbent versions.

111. Have dinner at a swanky hotel

You don’t have to spend the night in order to visit a local hotel.

112. Learn how to make sushi

When you make it at home, you can include only the ingredients you want to eat. Serve up some hot tea to go along with your food.

113. Get in-home cooking lessons

Bring in a friend or a professional, and learn to make something you’ve never made before.

114. Bake cookies or brownies together

Satisfy your sweet tooth at home. Find out your date’s favorite cookie or brownie along the way.

115. Watch your wedding video

If you can find it, pull out the wedding footage. Who was there? What fun memories do you have?

116. Spend a late Saturday afternoon at garage sales

Their junk could be your treasure, and all that. Find great prices on clothing and household items at your neighbors’ houses.

117. Fly a kite

We know this is fun from that beloved movie, Mary Poppins. Head to the park or the beach, and send a kite soaring.

118. Host your own wine tasting

It can be wines by style, taste or region. It’s up to you. Find four or five wines and compare them in some way.

119. Organize a scavenger hunt with friends

Whether it’s around the neighborhood or the entire city, team up to go on the hunt.

120. Shoot baskets.

Find a local gym, or use someone’s backyard hoop, and practice your shot.

121. Play Mad Libs

Remember the hours of entertainment a Mad Libs book could offer? They still sell them.

122. Try frisbee golf

Look for a course near you. Some even rent out frisbees.

123. Join a sports league (ie. tennis, pickleball, softball)

It’s a commitment, but such a fun thing to do as couples. See if your friends will join you!

124. Visit Build-A-Bear

It’s not just for kids. Or maybe it’s for kids of all ages. 

125. Run a 5k together

You can train in the evenings! The nice thing about a 5k is it’s doable no matter what shape you’re in. If you have to walk or crawl to the finish line, no problem. You did it!

126. Visit a petting zoo

Few things will make you say “Awww” more than this activity. Sometimes, you even get to feed the little critters.

127. Order in Chinese 

Be sure to include the chopsticks. It’s part of the adventure.

128. Taste test a variety of BBQ sauces on smoked meat

Most smokers have room for a few meat options. Cook up a batch, and match up the best sauces for each meat.

129. Take a swim

This one seems kind of self-explanatory. Get some aqua exercise.

130. Visit a knife or axe-throwing venue

How are you at hitting the target? It’s not that easy.

131. Play charades

Guaranteed to end in a roomful of laughter. Who’s better at Charades?

132. Try a new video game

What’s just released, or what game has your friend been telling you about that you haven’t tried yet? There’s always the next best thing when it comes to video games.

133. Go line dancing

The nice thing about line dancing is most people on the dance floor do the steps together. You can watch others to learn the dances, and blend in when your steps are out of step.

134. Go zip lining, bungee jumping or skydiving

If you’re up for a major adrenaline rush, these activities will deliver.

135. Create murals using sidewalk chalk

This might just reveal the hidden artist in you. Google some sidewalk art for inspiration.

136. Have a homemade pizza night with fun toppings

The variety is what makes this fun. And no matter where you stand on the pineapple-on-pizza debate, you can both be happy.

137. Go geocaching

A global treasure hunt, actually, where you use your GPS to find hidden objects.

138. Try rock climbing

This can be done indoors or outdoors and is a great challenge for your body and your mind.

139. Revisit childhood games like Clue or Monopoly

Did you have a favorite? Grab it down from the closet shelf, or order up a new one, and relive your childhood.

140. Shop at Target

Trust me, this is a great date night for about any couple. If you want, switch it up with a HomeGoods or hardware store.

141. Create a Top Ten list of 90s movies and watch them all

The 90s offered up some terrific cinematic selections. Across all genres, pick your favorite ten movies and track them down.

142. Set a timer for an hour, and play recordings of your favorite songs for one another

This is a back-and-forth activity. One of you starts by playing a song, then the other plays a tune that the song reminded them of, etc.

143. People-watch at a busy park

A big variety of people visit parks regularly. For example, you might see walkers,  parents with young children, or teenagers on skateboards. All make for excellent people-watching.

144. Do a crossword puzzle together

You can find varying levels of difficulty, depending on how challenging you want this activity to be. Either way, it’s good exercise for the brain.

145. Tailgate at a local football game

Bring along some heavy blankets and a thermos of hot chocolate. Here’s to a victory for the home team.

146. Sample food at Costco

It’s a good way to try things that you might not otherwise try. Bonus if it’s on sale that day.

147. Tie-dye t-shirts

I’m not saying you have to match, but if you want to, that’s okay. Enjoy a little time tie-dying.

148. Take your dog to a dog park

Your pet will barely be able to contain their excitement when they not only get a car ride, but time running around outdoors as well.

149. Find online personality quizzes to take

This can take hours! How well do you know your date?

150. Learn how to preserve food by canning, freezing or dehydrating

A little work here will pay off in food dividends later. Next time you wonder what to make for dinner, there might be just the thing on a pantry shelf or in the freezer.

151. Create your own ice cream sundae bar

How creative can you get? Just about anything goes with ice cream. Up Next: 200 Most Likely To Questions