Unlike exercises that work the butt, arms, or abs, hamstring exercises aren’t really about what your body looks like. After all, when you look at yourself in the mirror, you don’t even see the muscles that run up the back of your thighs. So why bother?  “Hamstring muscles are vital for preventing knee injuries and back pain, powering explosive movements, and deceleration,” says Grace Giles, NASM-certified trainer and owner of the functional training fitness studio, F45 Boerum Hill in Brooklyn, NY. In other words, hamstrings do hard work behind the scenes—so knowing the best hamstring exercises is crucial to the health and stability of your body overall. 

Why is it important to work the hamstrings? 

Experts agree to agree that hamstring strength and flexibility are pivotal to proper functioning. Here’s why: 

Hamstring protect the knees

“The hamstrings help reinforce the ACL ligament and are part of a group of muscles that stabilize the knee to prevent the lower leg from going too far forward or backward and causing knee damage,” says Peter Ronai, MS, CSCS,  clinical professor of exercise science at Sacred Heart University and ACSM-registered clinical exercise physiologist. 

They protect the back

“A lot of back injuries stem from having strong quads and a weak core, glutes, and hamstrings,” Ronai says. If the hamstrings are too tight, you get a posterior tilt that flattens the spine—a bad thing since the spine’s natural curvature protects it from compression and allows it to absorb loads safely. On the other hand, weak hamstrings can lead to an anterior pelvic tilt and hyperextension of the spine, which also leaves you prone to injury and back pain.  “When you strengthen your glutes and hamstrings, you improve your posture and reduce back pain,” Ronai says. 

They enable movement

The hamstrings are responsible for de-acceleration; they slow the leg down when you run or kick to prevent hyperextension of the knee and control hip movement so you don’t overextend the leg, Ronai says. The hamstrings also help lift the body out of a squat or bridge, working opposite the quadriceps muscles in the front of your legs.

Best hamstring exercises

You don’t need a weight rack or special machines to target the hamstrings effectively. “During the early days of the pandemic, we had people working out with puppies—you can work any muscle group with anything,” Giles says. Add a few of these exercises to your regular workout routine to feel the burn behind the legs.  If you have no equipment: 

Glute thrust

How to do it: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. From this position, press into the heels as you lift your hips to form a straight line between your knees and shoulders. Release with control to complete one rep. 

Single-leg deadlift

How to do it: Start standing with your feet hip-width apart. From this position, hinge forward from the waist as you lift one foot off the floor and extend the leg straight behind you until your chest and rear leg are parallel to the ground. Release with control to complete one rep. Complete as many reps as desired, then repeat on the opposite side. 

Good morning

How to do it: Start standing with your feet hip-width apart, knees soft, and hands behind your head, elbows bent out to the sides. From this position, hinge forward from the waist, keeping the core tight and back flat. Engage the hamstrings and glutes to return to starting position.

Squat side shuffle

How to do it: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and palms together at your chest. Keeping your back flat and chest high, bend the knees as you sit your hips back into a squat. Without extending the legs, take several steps to the left, then several steps to the right. Continue as long as desired, remaining low the entire time. 

Lateral lunges

How to do it: Start with your feet hip-width apart and palms together at your chest. Take a large step out to your right. Keeping the left leg straight, bend the right knee to sit back into a squat. Push through the heels to return to starting position, then repeat on the opposite side.   If you have kettlebells or dumbbells: 

Bent-over row

How to do it: Start standing with your feet hips-width apart and knees soft with two weights on the floor in front of you. Hinge from the hips and lift both weights off the ground with your palms facing your body. From this position, drive the elbows toward the ceiling as you lift the weights to your chest, turning your palms to face one another as you come up. Release with control to starting position to complete one rep. Continue without dropping the weights.

Kettlebell deadlift

How to do it: Start standing with your feet hips-width apart and knees soft with one weight in each hand and arms along your sides, palms facing the body. Keeping your weight in your heels, core tight, black flat, and gaze forward, hinge from the hips to lower the weights toward the ground. Pause, then return to starting position, being sure not to arch the back at any point in the movement. 

Kettlebell swing

How to do it: Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulders-width apart and both hands on a kettlebell, palms facing the body. Keeping the core tight and back flat, bend both knees and let the kettlebell hang between your knees. From this position, extend your knees and drive your hips forward to create momentum as you swing the kettlebell up as high as eye-level. Release the kettlebell as you hinge at the hips and bend your knees to let the weight swing behind you, then repeat, building momentum as you continue. 

Kettlebell clean

How to do it: Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulders-width apart, knees soft, and a kettlebell on the floor between your legs. Hinge from the hips to grasp the kettlebell handle with your right hand, palm facing your right foot, and extend the left arm behind you. In one fluid, explosive movement, drive the hips forward as you hinge up from the hips, and pull the kettlebell up off the ground, turning your palm to face the front of your body, then flip the weight to rest on the top of your forearm at shoulders height. At the same time, extend the left arm straight out to the side. Release with control by hinging from the hip as you lower the kettlebell back to the ground with your right palm facing your right foot and left arm behind you. Complete as many reps as desired and repeat on the opposite side. 

Kettlebell snatch

How to do it: Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulders-width apart, knees soft, and a kettlebell on the floor between your legs. Hinge from the hips to grasp the kettlebell handle with your right hand, palm facing your right foot, and extend the left arm behind you. In one fluid, explosive movement, drive the hips forward as you hinge up from the hips, and pull the kettlebell up off the ground, flip the it to rest on the forearm at shoulders height, then extend the arm to drive the weight straight up overhead with your palm facing forward. At the same time, bring your rear arm out to the side. Release with control, making sure to hinge from the waist and end with your right hand facing your right foot. Complete as many reps as desired and repeat on the opposite side. 

Kettlebell hip thrust

How to do it: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground, and a kettlebell held with both hands over your hips. From this position, press into the heels as you lift your hips to form a straight line between your knees and shoulders. Release with control to complete one rep. 

Bulgarian split squats

How to do it: Stand with a step, bench, or stack of pillows behind you. Bend one leg and place the sole of the foot against the surface behind you. Keeping the core tight, shoulders stacked over the hips, and weight in the front heel, bend both knees until the front thigh and calf form a right angle. Press into the front heel to return to starting position and continue for as many reps as desired, then repeat on the opposite side.  If you have a Swiss ball:

Elevated glute thrust

How to do it: Lie on your back with arms alongside you, palms pressed into the floor. Bend both knees and place your heels side-by-side on the top of a Swiss ball. From this position, press into your heels to lift your hips straight up until your body forms a straight line between your knees and shoulders. Release with control to complete one rep.

Double-leg hamstring curl

How to do it: Lie on your back with arms alongside you, palms pressed into the floor. Bend both knees and place your heels side-by-side on the top of a Swiss ball. From this position, press into your heels to lift your hips straight up until your body forms a straight line between your knees and shoulders. Extend the knees to roll the ball out about a foot, keeping the glutes engaged and hips elevated the entire time. Bend the knees to roll the ball back to starting position to complete one rep. 

Single-leg hamstring curl

How to do it: Lie on your back with arms alongside you, palms pressed into the floor. Bend one knees and place the heel on the top of a Swiss ball; extend the other straight toward the ceiling. From this position, press into your bottom heel to lift your hips straight up until your body forms a straight line between your knees and shoulders. From this position, extend the bent knee to roll the ball out about a foot, keeping the glutes engaged and hips elevated the entire time. Bend the knee to roll the ball back to starting position to complete one rep. Complete as many as desired, then repeat on the opposite side. Next up: Best Hip Flexor Stretches


Peter Ronai, MS, CSCS, a clinical professor of exercise science at Sacred Heart University and ACSM-registered clinical exercise physiologist Grace Giles, NASM-certified trainer and owner of the functional training fitness studio, F45 Boerum Hill in Brooklyn, New York 15 Hamstring Exercises to Reduce Pain and Prevent Injuries - 96