To assist in unraveling the many sides of this sign—the good and the occasionally tricky characteristics—we put together a lengthy list of 125 of Taurus’s most common personality traits. Whether you’d like to learn what Taurus is like generally, as a friend, in a relationship, in the work world or on the weekend, we’ve got you covered.

What’s the Taurus zodiac sign?

First, a little more background: Second of the 12 zodiac signs, Taurus is an earth sign (each sign is associated with an element, air, earth, fire or water). So Taurus individuals are often grounded and good at making others feel secure. The Taurus bull represents this sign’s stubborn (a.k.a. bull-headed) tendencies, but that quality can spin positive as well as negative. It can be tricky to change a Taurus mind, but a Taurus also doesn’t give up easily. (Think of the bull facing down that red cape.) Taurus is top-notch at setting its sights on a goal, mapping out the steps needed to get there and getting the job done in style. “Taurus energy has two speeds,” say the AstroTwins. “It’s either relaxed and contented (like a steer luxuriating in a verdant pasture) or hyped-up and ready to charge.” So for all Taurus’s hard work, this sign is also a pro at letting the good times roll. Taurus never met a luxury it didn’t like—the AstroTwins also note, “Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, luxury, and beauty.” This sign revels in life’s comforts, and among Taurus’s positive personality traits is its ability to kick back and relax. Occasionally, Taurus slips into being a little too chill; laziness and self-indulgence can also be Taurus traits. But generally speaking, Taurus is fun-loving, passionate and supportive. As a romantic partner, Taurus is tops. And Taurus is a loyal, encouraging friend. Beginning to get a sense of what Taurus is like? Whether this is your sign or you have a Taurus in your life, read on for more personality traits and characteristics you might recognize.

Most common Taurus personality traits

At its best, the Taurus personality is…

At its more difficult, the Taurus personality is…

As a friend, Taurus is…

In a relationship, Taurus is…

As a professional, Taurus is…

A Taurus’s style sense is…

During downtime, Taurus is…

The Taurus personality is also…

More about the Taurus personality and zodiac sign

We asked the AstroTwins to weigh in on what it means to be a Taurus—beyond the most common characteristics and personality traits of this charming zodiac sign—and to elaborate on what it takes for Taurus personalities to live their best life:

What’s the best look for a Taurus?

According to the AstroTwins, those who embrace the full scope of their Taurus personality should opt for looks that are sophisticated, classic, well-made, comfortable or rock-and-roll.

What are the best jobs/careers for a Taurus?

Given the characteristics unique to Taurus personalities, some of the best jobs for those falling under this zodiac sign include: banker, manager, real estate agent, photographer, filmmaker, interior designer, dancer, musician, art dealer, restaurant owner, makeup artist and singer.

Who is Taurus most (and least) compatible with and why?

The AstroTwins believe that any two signs are compatible. It just depends on what you want from a relationship! Some people like an easy-breezy vibe, others prefer the challenge that comes from dating someone who is dynamic and different. Same Sign (Conjunct): Taurus Similar temperaments; possibly too alike 1 Sign Apart (Inconjunct): Aries, Gemini Strong attraction, but can be awkward and hard to understand each other 2 Signs Apart (Sextile): Pisces, Cancer Best friends with benefits, friendly and fun 3 Signs Apart (Square): Leo, AquariusDifficult, but an exciting challenge 4 Signs Apart (Trine): Virgo, Capricorn Easy and harmonious but can get too comfortable 5 Signs Apart (Quincunx): Libra, Sagittarius Karmic connection, challenging—but will keep you on your toes 6 Signs Apart (Opposite): Scorpio Magnetic, intense chemistry; can repel and attract in equal measure

What is the Taurus element?

“Taurus is one of the three zodiac signs grouped under the earth element,” say the Astrotwins. “The other two earth signs are Virgo and Capricorn. Since Taurus is the first earth sign in the zodiac cycle, it’s like the bedrock that sets the foundation. Many Taurus people are stabilizers, ensuring that there’s security for themselves and others. Under the influence of a Taurus planetary cycle, we all become more grounded and easygoing, taking the proper steps necessary to ascertain our goals through diligent effort and output.”

What is the Taurus color?

Emerald green, rich brown, plum.

What is the Taurus birthstone?

Diamond is the birthstone for Taurus born in April; emerald is the stone for May-born Taurus.

What planet rules Taurus?

“Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, luxury, and beauty,” according to the AstroTwins. “Legend has it that when Saturn castrated his father, Uranus, Uranus’ blood spilled into the sea, impregnating the sea foam and giving birth to the goddess Venus. (Who knew this charming goddess came from such violent origins?) In Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli’s famous painting The Birth of Venus, the goddess is fully naked, perched exquisitely on a clam shell. That is sensual Taurus in a nutshell. This sign’s Venusian energy adds charm and embellishment to everything it touches, from food to fashion to home decor.” Feel like the planets just aren’t aligned for you right now? Here’s how Mercury in retrograde really affects you—and what to do about it!

125 Perfect Taurus Personality Traits  Sign  Characteristics - 39125 Perfect Taurus Personality Traits  Sign  Characteristics - 43