Matthew Cooper, DC, CCSP, founder and CEO of USA Sports Therapy and a licensed Digestive Enzyme Therapist, urges people to stay away from those “comfort foods,” noting that they have very few nutrients in them to help your body heal. So if your go-to has always been to reach for bland foods, it’s time to change what you eat when you’re sick. And despite your best immune-boosting efforts, you will get sick—the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates on average that you can expect to deal with the common cold two to three times per year. Here’s everything you need to know about how the common cold negatively affects your gut health and what to eat when you’re sick to help you get better as quickly as possible.

How the common cold affects your stomach

The common cold most often affects the upper respiratory tract—nose and throat—and can also involve a mild fever, headache and general weakness. “The common cold is defined simply as an infection of the upper respiratory system, which includes the nose, throat and sinuses, but a cold can affect your gut microbiome as well,” explains Shantala Sonnad, M.D., a family medicine physician with Nuvance Health in the Hudson Valley, New York. Not only do you have sinus drainage traveling down your throat, but common medicines including NSAIDS—aspirin and ibuprofen are two of them—can actually cause stomach distress not unlike the symptoms of irritable bowel disease (IBS). Sonnad says you may experience bloating, cramping and nausea due to this disruption to your gut; not only will what you eat potentially upset your gut further, but it can also affect your body’s immune response and potentially stall your recovery.

Why you should prioritize hydration when you’re sick

If you’re properly hydrated when you’re sick, your body has a greater defense against bacteria entering the body. Additionally, should any stomach distress include diarrhea or vomiting, you need to replenish those fluids that are lost. This is more than drinking water, however; your body needs nutrients including electrolytes and sodium. There are some over-the-counter options for this, such as rehydration drinks—Pedialyte, for example—but there are other alternatives you may want to consider, as well.  “Appetites can be hard to predict when you’re sick, particularly depending on what type of illness you have,” admits Megan Meyer, PhD, director of Science Communication at the International Food Information Council. “Prioritizing hydration is especially important when you are sick. Water, juice, broth-based soups and tea are all great options.”   The first defense is making sure you are eating well to keep your microbiome balanced in the first place; then you won’t find yourself “frantically searching for a cure,” as Dr. Sonnad calls it, when you are sick. Instead, work to prevent illness with a healthy lifestyle that includes a diverse diet of whole, nutrient-rich foods, regularly exercise, prioritize sleep and, of course, stay hydrated.

What to eat when you’re sick

If you do find yourself ready for some food when you’re sick, there are some optimal choices to help you the nutrients your body needs to fight illness and avoid upsetting your stomach any further. Here are 10.


Eggs are high in protein and vitamin D, which is why they make Dr. Cooper’s list of best foods to eat when sick. To get the most nutrients, eat both the yolk and white, versus egg whites only. 

Breakfast cereal or other grains

Dr. Meyer notes that you’ll want to grab these foods because they are usually fortified with zinc, which possesses antiviral properties. “And it’s likely that grains will be more appealing when sick compared to other foods high in zinc, such as certain types of seafood like oysters, crab and lobster,” she notes.


An important micronutrient to help your body when sick is selenium. Dr. Meyer explains that selenium is “an antioxidant involved in the inflammatory process.” It is found in many nuts such as almonds, cashews and Brazil nuts, which actually have the highest concentration of selenium. Be careful to not eat too many Brazil nuts, however, as it is possible to get too much of a good thing.


There is evidence that berries support the immune system and have supplemental benefits when treating gastrointestinal illnesses. “Strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are excellent fighters, as they are easy to digest and contain anthocyanins, which are immune-boosting, virus-fighting super molecules,” shares Dr. Sonnad.


Dr. Cooper notes this fruit is high in antioxidants, zinc, and vitamins D and C. Kiwi has been found to have a number of noted health benefits, including the ability to “reduce the incidence and severity of cold or flu-like illness in at-risk groups.”

Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens, especially, have been found to act as antioxidants in the body. “Spinach and kale are packed full of antibacterial properties and loaded with vitamins, especially Vitamin C, which we know helps us kick that annoying cold,” shares Dr. Sonnad.


“No one has to tell me twice to munch on some avocado toast,” exclaims Dr. Sonnad. “Avocados contain specific, healthy fats that have been proven to decrease inflammation and ramp up our immune fighters.”


In some forms of medicine, mushrooms are actually used to treat a variety of ailments. They also make Dr. Cooper’s list because they are “high in antiviral properties such as beta glucan, vitamin D and zinc.” 


Like mushrooms, garlic also has medicinal applications. Dr. Cooper specifically notes its antimicrobial properties and has been used in the treatment of infections, including digestive issues such as diarrhea. 


“Ginger is great for calming the gastrointestinal tract,” notes Dr. Sonnad. “With natural anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory properties, it can ease bloating, cramps and nausea.” Next up, get even more tips on how to conquer the common cold.

American Family Physician: “Health Effects of Garlic.”American Family Physician: “Treatment of the Common Cold in Children and Adults.”Canadian Digestive Health Foundation: “The Importance of Staying Hydrated: General Hydration and Virus Recovery.”Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology: “Kiwifruit: our daily prescription for health.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “Common Cold.”Frontline Gastroenterology: “Drug-induced gastrointestinal disorders.”Harvard Men’s Health Watch: “Eggs and your health.”Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The Nutrition Source: “Mushrooms.”Matthew Cooper, D.C., C.C.S.P., founder and CEO of USA Sports Therapy and a licensed Digestive Enzyme TherapistMegan Meyer, Ph.D., director of Science Communication at the International Food Information CouncilNational Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements: “Selenium.”Nutrition Reviews: “Review of the health effects of berries and their phytochemicals on the digestive and immune systems.”Shantala Sonnad, M.D., a family medicine physician with Nuvance Health in the Hudson Valley, New YorkUniversity of Kentucky, College of Agriculture: “The Health Benefits of Dark Green Leafy Vegetables.” 10 Best Foods to Eat When You re Sick   What to Eat When Sick - 42