There are several reasons that people might want to avoid corn syrup. “One reason might be because of an allergy or sensitivity to corn, which could be signaled by symptoms such as bloating, headache or mood changes,” says Poon. Others may avoid corn products because they avoid GMO foods and additionally, corn syrup is quite high on the glycemic index, which measures how foods can impact your blood sugar. “Paying attention to the glycemic index would be particularly important for someone who has a condition such as diabetes, but blood sugar spikes really aren’t great for anybody,” says Poon. Some substitutes, like honey and maple syrup, have a lower glycemic index value and are also more natural options for those looking for a substitute. And if you’re looking to try a new recipe that calls for corn syrup, it may not be an ingredient that you have lying around, in which case you’d need to find something else to use. Here’s a full list of the best corn syrup substitutes to try.

Best Corn Syrup Substitutes

1. Agave Syrup

This sweetener comes from a succulent native to Mexico, known as the agave plant. You might recognize the name of the plant, as it’s also harvested to make tequila. “Agave syrup is going to have the lowest glycemic index score out of all of the corn syrup substitutes,” says Poon. This corn syrup alternative has a neutral flavor, which will help keep the intended flavor profile intact. In addition to cooking with agave, you can also swirl it over pancakes in place of maple syrup or use it to sweeten oatmeal. Agave is about one and a half times sweetener than sugar, so a little bit goes a long way. Try this recipe for Agave-Sweetened Brownie Gems to put this sweetener to the test.

2. Honey

If you’re looking for a sweetener that comes straight from nature, give honey a try. “This is a natural sweetener that offers an array of health benefits, such as antioxidant and healing properties (though some of these are lost when honey is heated),” says Poon. Additionally, honey has a lower glycemic index value than corn syrup and is a common pantry item, making it an easy swap. Honey comes in a variety of different flavors and as a general rule, the darker the honey, the stronger the taste. A jar of honey will last a long time in your cupboard, making it a handy corn syrup alternative to always have on hand.

3. Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is a wonderful substitute for corn syrup if you don’t mind the unique flavor. Different types of maple syrup, like golden and amber, exhibit different flavor profiles. These can contain a sweetness accented by hints of vanilla, caramel, and of course, maple. “Maple syrup is another natural option, contains antioxidants and is lower on the glycemic index than corn syrup,” says Poon. Keep in mind that when you bake with maple syrup, it will be a more noticeable flavor than if you used something more mild like corn syrup or sugar.

4. Cane Syrup

Cane syrup is made from boiling down cane sugar and contains sucralose that is derived from sugar beets or sugar canes. It has a slightly lower glycemic index than corn syrup and could be a good option for someone who wants to avoid corn products. Cane syrup can have a buttery flavor, with hints of butterscotch and caramel and tends to blend well into dishes without being too strong of a standout flavor.

5. Brown rice syrup

Brown rice syrup is derived from brown rice and offers much of the same consistency as corn syrup. It’s also sometimes known as rice syrup or rice malt syrup. This sweetener has a less sweet profile than honey or corn syrup and is sometimes described as tasting a bit like butterscotch. This sweetener is commonly found in everything from cereal to granola bars. Poon warns to use brown rice syrup in moderation though, as it’s very high on the glycemic index and may present a risk for arsenic exposure.

6. Molasses

“Molasses can also be used as a one-to-one substitute for corn syrup,” says Poon. Keep in mind that molasses has a strong flavor that will impact the taste of your baked goods. But use it in moderation and be aware that the flavor can be bold, often exhibiting a smokey, sweet and warm flavor. “Unlike the relatively neutral flavor of corn syrup, molasses has a strong flavor that can overpower dishes when used in large amounts,” says Reeser. “It’s a great ingredient to use to add flavor to sauces and marinades.”

7. Golden Syrup

“Golden syrup is one of the few substitutions that works for candy-making as well as corn syrup,” says Cassidy Reeser, a registered dietitian and owner of Cozy Peach Kitchen. This syrup has a neutral flavor that is similar to corn syrup. Golden syrup can be purchased at the grocery store. You can also make your own golden syrup at home using water, sugar, lemon juice and citric acid. Try this recipe from Daring Gourmet.

8. Simple syrup

Just about every pantry has sugar and you can use it to make your own corn syrup substitute. “Combing 1 cup sugar with 1⁄4 cup of warm water can produce a substitute for 1 cup of light corn syrup, (similar to a simple syrup, but more concentrated),” says Jacqueline Gomes, a registered dietitian nutritionist with Foodtown Stores. This sugar and water concoction is ideal for baked goods; however, Gomes notes that it will not work for candy.

9. Birch syrup

Birch syrup is made from sap from birch trees, similar to how maple syrup is made from maple trees. “Birch syrup is a great alternative to corn syrup because its primary sugar molecules are fructose and glucose, which are the exact same sugar molecules found in corn syrup,” says Jessica Randhawa, head chef and recipe creator at The Forked Spoon. “On the other hand, maple syrup gets its sweetness from the more complex sucrose sugar molecule.” The main drawback to birch syrup is that it is a bit pricey when compared to corn syrup.

10. Homemade Corn Syrup

Sometimes you need good actual corn syrup but don’t have any on hand. The good news is there is a DIY version. For baking, cooking or candy making, you can make cane sugar syrup at home. This involves combining water, sugar, cream of tartar, lemon juice and salt. Try this recipe for Perfect Homemade Corn Syrup Substitute from Bigger Bolder Baking. Next up, Keto Sweeteners: Which Sugar Substitutes Are Best?


Celebrity chef and nutritionist, Serena PoonJacqueline Gomes, a registered dietitian nutritionist with Foodtown Stores

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